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TitleUporaba brezpilotnih letalnih sistemov (BLS) v bataljonski bojni skupini : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Galovec, Stanislav (Author)
Horvat, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:bataljonska bojna skupina (BBSk), brezpilotni letalni sistem (BLS), istem zračnega PINKUDC:358.4:623.746.2-519(043.4)COBISS_ID:17843715Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 5269 ogledov; 43 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Galovec_Stanislav_i2016.pdf (1,09 MB)
Abstract:S konceptom sestave bataljonske bojne skupine (v nadaljevanju BBSk), se je v strukturi Slovenske vojske (v nadaljevanju SV) pojavila tudi potreba po zmogljivostih BLS. Integracija več različnih načinov pridobivanja podatkov v celoto, vključno s pridobivanjem posnetkov iz zraka, prispeva k temu, da je obveščevalna dejavnost bolj zanesljiva, kar zagotavlja boljšo informiranost o situaciji poveljniku ali kateremukoli naročniku informacije. Obveščevalna dejavnost nacionalne BBSk, povezane v integriran sistem poveljevanja in kontrole (v nadaljevanju PINK) mora biti med izvajanjem delovanj z BLS nenehno koordinirana zaradi zagotavljanja učinkovitega pridobivanja slikovnega gradiva na eni strani ter na drugi strani zaradi zagotavljanja ustrezne varnosti v zračnem prostoru. Eden od pogojev za zagotavljanje omenjenega je povezljivost vseh nacionalnih ali mednarodnih enot, ki za svoje delovanje uporabljajo zračni prostor doma ali v tujini. To lahko dosežemo le z učinkovito koordinacijo vseh zmogljivosti v sistemu PINK. Če pa hočemo doseči želeni učinek, je v prvi vrsti pomembno vzpostaviti lastno organiziranost in pravila delovanja na najnižji taktični ravni, z nedvoumnim razumevanjem le teh. Opisano je prispevek k operativni učinkovitosti BBSk.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:With the concept of the composition of the BBG it has also occurred in the structure the capacity requirements for UAS. Integrating several different ways to obtain information in whole including the acquisition of aerial imagery contributes to the fact that the intelligence more reliable providing better information about the situation to the commander or to any subscriber information. National Intelligence BBG related to the integrated system of command and control (C2) should be constantly coordinated during implementation of the operations of UAS to ensure the effective acquisition of images on the one hand and on the other hand in order to ensure adequate safety in the airspace. One of the conditions for providing connectivity of national or international units for its operation is use of the air space at home or abroad. This can be achieved only through effective coordination of all capacity in the C2 system. However, if we want to achieve the desired effect it is primarily important to establish our own organization and operating rules at the lowest tactical level with the clear understanding thereof. Described is a contribution to the operational effectiveness of BBG.Keywords:battalion battle group (BBG), unmanned aerial systems (UAS), air command and control system, intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR)