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TitleVpliv geografskih dejavnikov na uporabo oborožitvenih sistemov MOTČ : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Bezjak, Bojan (Author)
Ribič, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:zmogljivost, geografski dejavniki, Prekmurje, PomurjeUDC:356.116(497.4):91(497.11)(043.4)COBISS_ID:17606147Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 5010 ogledov; 26 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Bezjak_Bojan_i2016.pdf (2,11 MB)
Abstract:Dogajanje v prostoru je posledica pojavov ali aktivnosti objektov ali subjektov v njem. Dosežki ali posledice nekega dogajanja pa so odvisni od različnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo nanje in so predmet proučevanj možnih učinkov posameznih aktivnosti v nekem okolju. Z vojaškega stališča je poznavanje učinkov geografskega prostora na delovanje enot in uporabo oborožitvenih sistemov pomembno za zagotavljanje taktične prednosti tako v obrambi kot v napadu. Vojaško geografske analize se izvajajo pred, med in po nalogi. Dejavniki prostora namreč lahko različno vplivajo na zmogljivost vojaških enot. V zaključni nalogi ugotavljam vpliv geografskega prostora na delovanje enote. Pomembnost dejavnikov prostora sem skušal orisati skozi zgodovinski pregled vojaških aktivnosti in ugotoviti, kako je vojaštvo skozi zgodovino izkoriščalo prostor Pomurja. Ob upoštevanju vseh geografskih faktorjev, se potencial zmogljivosti enote lahko poveča ali zmanjša, kar poskušam v nalogi prikazati z analizo uporabe prostora za delovanje MOTČ v obrambi.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Developments in the area is the result of events or activities or operators of facilities in it. Honours or the consequences of some events are dependent on a variety of factors that affect them and the object of study of the possible effects of individual activities in a given environment. With a military point of view, knowledge of the effects of geographic distance on the functioning of the units and the use of weapons systems important to provide tactical advantages both in defense and in attack. Military geographical analysis be carried out before, during and after the transfer. Factors goal is can have different impacts on the performance of military units. In the final task assess the impact of geographical area on the functioning of the unit. The importance of the factors of space, I tried to outline through a historical overview of military activities and to determine how the military has historically exploited area of Pomurje. Having regard to all of geographic factors, the potential capacity of the unit may increase or decrease what I try to show in this paper by analyzing the use of space for the operation of MOTC in defense.Keywords:capacity, geographical factors, Prekmurje, Pomurje