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Title:Protioklepni vod v vlogi bojne podpore čete in oblikovanje protioklepnega modula v sestavi bataljonske bojne skupine : zaključna naloga
Authors:Polak, Sašo (Author)
Stankovič, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Poveljniki uporabljajo bojno podporo za pomnožitev bojne moči svojih manevrskih čet. Za učinkovito bojno podporo manevra je ključna sposobnost vseh elementov bojne podpore, da razumejo situacijo in pravočasno podprejo delovanje na odločilni točki ter tam ustvarijo pričakovani učinek. Protioklepni vod je del sil za bojno podporo. Bataljonska bojna skupina je namensko oblikovana tako, da usklajuje bojno učinkovitost, premičnost in sposobnost preživetja z zahtevami po hitri uporabi, vzdržljivosti in samozadostnosti. Protioklepni vod je kot modul pridodan bataljonski bojni skupini. Samo strukturo ter jakost posameznih elementov v bataljonski bojni skupini se določi in oblikuje za vsako delovanje posebej. Poslanstvo protioklepnega voda v sestavi bataljonske bojne skupine je v zagotavljanju neposredne ognjene podpore v vseh glavnih zvrsteh delovanja. Vse pa je povezano in odvisno od omejitev in normativnih aktov. Med normativnimi akti pa je treba posebej izpostaviti Srednjeročni obrambni program RS in predlog ciljev zmogljivosti Nata za RS z doseganjem načrtovanega cilja zmogljivosti CZ L 1501.
Keywords:protioklepni vod, bojna podpora, modul, bataljonska bojna skupina, manever, protioklepno delovanje, protioklepni sistem Spike
Year of publishing:2016
Publisher:[S. Polak]
COBISS_ID:17542915 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Polak_Saso_i2016.pdf (781,83 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Commanders use combat support to multiply the combat power of their manoeuvre companies. For an effective manoeuvre combat support, it is of key importance that all battle support elements understand the situation and provide timely operational support at the decisive point, where they produce the expected result. The anti-armour platoon is part of combat support forces. The battalion battle group is designed as a task force. Through its combat effectiveness, mobility and survivability, it can meet the requirements for rapid response, sustainability and self-sufficiency. The anti-armour platoon, structured as a module, is attached to the battalion battle group. The structure itself and the size of individual elements in the battalion battle group are determined and generated individually for each operation. The mission of the anti-armour platoon as a generic element of the battalion battle group is to provide direct fire support in all major types of operation. All of the above aspects have to be in accordance with the restrictions and normative acts. Among the normative acts, special attention should be paid to the Mid-Term Defence Programme of the Republic of Slovenia and the proposed NATO Capability Targets for the Republic of Slovenia within the planned Capability Target 1501.
Keywords:anti-armour platoon, combat support, module, battalion battle group, manoeuvre, anti-armour operation, anti-tank missile system Spike


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