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TitleUporaba izvidniških enot na taktični ravni : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Kavčič, Tilen (Author)
Pretnar, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Ribič, Anton (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:taktična raven, obveščevalno-izvidniško področje, izvidniške enote, Slovenska vojskaUDC:355.311.3:355.40(497.4)(043.4)COBISS_ID:17456643Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 4800 ogledov; 26 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kavcic_Tilen_i2016.pdf (434,78 KB)
Abstract:Slovenska vojska (SV) je eden od ključnih aparatov, ki je na voljo državi za ohranjanje njene neodvisnosti in nedotakljivosti. Zato se v nalogi ukvarjamo z enotami SV, ki so namenjene zaznavanju in zaščiti pred grožnjami v okolju delovanja. Takšne so obveščevalno-izvidniške enote, ki so sicer tesno povezane z zagotavljanjem informacij za proces sprejemanja odločitve. V nadaljevanju tako teče beseda o vlogi izvidniških enot SV, spremembah, ki jih je na tem področju pustila transformacija, vključili pa smo tudi krajšo predstavitev izvidniških enot tujih vojska. Ob koncu predstavimo možnost preoblikovanja izvidniških enot glede na ugotovljeno stanje varnostnih elementov. Upoštevaje zmogljivosti SV, podamo zaključke, ki služijo kot podlaga konstruktivni razpravi in ukrepom za izboljšanje stanja.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The Slovenian Army Forces (SAF) acts as one of the Nation's principal guardians of its independence and territorial integrity. That is why this essay attempts to shed light on the role of army units who conduct security operations in order to detect various threats in the operational environment. These units operate in the surveillance-reconnaissance realm and work as a crucial factor in providing direct flow of information in the decision making process. This essay also discusses the role of SAF reconnaissance units , their refinement through the transformation of armed forces, and a quick look at some other countries% reconnaissance units. In the end, the essay proposes a solution regarding further development of reconnaissance units, based on security conditions. Regarding the SAF capabilities, we state our conclusion, which acts as a constructive platform for debate and a commitment to improvement.Keywords:tactical level, reconnaissance-surveillance area, reconnaissance units, Slovenian army