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TitleIzzivi vojaške strategije v 21. stoletju
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Vuk, Pavel (Author)Language:SlovenianWork type:ArticleTipology:1.01 - Original Scientific ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:strateške študije, strategija, vojaška strategija, oblikovalci strategijUDC:355.43:355.02article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:17220355Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 5110 ogledov; 62 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Vuk_Pavel_i2020.pdf (387,22 KB)
Abstract:Doseganje ciljev varnostne politike z vojaško silo je predmet vojaške strategije. V prispevku proučujemo izzive vojaške strategije v 21. stoletju s treh vidikov: z vidika strateških študij in njihovega razumevanja vojaške strategije, z vidika prilagojenosti vojaških strategij zahtevam sodobnega varnostnega okolja in uporabe vojaških sil pri odzivanju na nove vojne ter z vidika oblikovalcev strategij, v okviru katerega analiziramo problematiko izbiranja manj optimalnih strategij in vpliv sodobnih vojn na oblikovalce strategij. Ugotavljamo, da je sodobna vojaška strategija tako v teoriji (strateško razmišljanje) kot v praksi (uporaba vojaške sile) močno povezana z ustvarjanjem političnih učinkov pri reševanju vse kompleksnejših varnostnih izzivov.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Challenges to military strategy in the 21st centuryAbstract:Achieving goals of security policy through military force is the subject of a military strategy. In the article, we examine the challenges of military strategy in the 21st century from three perspectives: from the perspective of strategic studies and its understanding of military strategy; from the point of view of the adjustment of military strategies to the modern security environment demands and the use of military forces in responding to new wars; from the perspective of strategy makers, in which we analyze the problem of choosing less optimal strategies and the impact of modern wars on strategy developers. Based on these challenges, the article identifies the importance of contemporary military strategy, both in theory (strategic thinking) and in practice (the use of military force), and its connection to creating policy effects in addressing the increasingly complex security challenges.Keywords:strategic studies, strategy, military strategy, strategy makers