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TitlePerspektiva žensk v specialnih silah na primeru Slovenske vojske : zaključna naloga višjega štabnega tečaja
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Authors:Poklukar, Karmen (Author)
Vuk, Pavel (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:specialne sile, ženske v specialnih silah, izbirni postopekUDC:356.16-055.2(497.4)(043.4)COBISS_ID:15345411Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 6456 ogledov; 133 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Poklukar_Karmen_i2020.pdf (682,29 KB)
Abstract:Sposobnost delovanja specialnih sil v kompleksnem in nepredvidljivem varnostnem okolju zahteva ustrezne prilagoditve njihovega delovanja, z iskanjem različnih strukturnih in zmogljivostnih kombinacij ter sinergij pri spoprijemanju s posebnimi nalogami. V okviru teh nalog specialne sile prepoznavajo prednosti ženskega spola, z njihovo integracijo pa nakazujejo na pomemben premik k sodobnemu razumevanju specialnih sil, temelječemu na učinkovitosti ob izkoriščanju sposobnosti obeh spolov. Specialne sile se integracije žensk lotevajo na različne načine - od oblikovanja povsem ženskih specialnih enot, mešanih timov, do vključevanja ženskih pripadnic samo za čas izvedbe specifičnih nalog. V zaključni nalogi ugotavljamo, da kljub prepoznavanju prednosti žensk pri izvajanju specifičnih nalog specialnih sil še vedno ostaja precejšnja dilema glede oblikovanja mešanih sestavov. Podobno sliko kaže tudi praksa, kjer je kljub formalni možnosti integracija žensk v specialne sile še vedno skoraj nična. Največje vprašanje predstavlja ohranjanje strogih fizičnih izbirnih kriterijev za oba spola, ki po eni strani omogočajo pripadnikom specialnih sil ohranjati elitnost v oboroženih silah po drugi strani pa zmanjšujejo njihovo dostopnost fizično šibkejšemu spolu. Prilagajanje kriterijev pa glede na teoretična in empirična spoznanja ne prispeva h kohezivnosti enote. Pri vsem tem je treba izpostaviti še dejstvo, da se problematika nanaša na specialne sile s prestižnim statusom v svetu, kjer se tovrstna vprašanja rešujejo še toliko bolj premišljeno, procesno in v daljšem časovnem okviru. Delni premiki k vključevanju žensk v specialne sile so v nekaterih državah že bili narejeni, v nobeni od teh držav pa pod nobenim pogojem s temi pristopi ne želijo oslabiti poslanstva in status specialnih sil. Slednje smo na podlagi izvedenih intervjujev ugotovili tudi na primeru Enote za specialno delovanje Slovenske vojske. Trend vključevanja žensk v specialne sile bo tako še naprej odvisen predvsem od zahtev varnostnega okolja, ki je hkrati tudi največji spodbujevalec razvoja specialnih sil.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The capability of Special Forces to operate in a complex and unpredictable security environment requires appropriate adjustments in their operation through seeking various combinations of structures and capabilities as well as synergies in dealing with specific tasks. As much as these tasks are concerned, Special Forces recognize the potential of the female gender. Therefore, by integrating the female gender, a significant shift towards a modern understanding of Special Forces is indicated based on their effectiveness when exploiting the capabilities of both genders. Gender integration is tackled by Special Forces in various ways, ranging from the setting-up of all-female special units and mixed-gender teams, to the temporary integration of female force members into the conduct of specific assignments. The final paper notes that although the advantage of gender integration in the conduct of special assignments has been identified, there remains a considerable dilemma with regard to the formation of mixed-gender structures. A similar situation is observable in practice, where despite the formal opportunities, integration of women into Special Forces is still almost nil. The primary concern is to maintain strict physical selection criteria for both genders. These, on one hand, allow members of Special Forces to preserve their status of elite forces within the armed forces, and, on the other hand, reduce their accessibility for a physically weaker gender. However, adapting the criteria with regard to theoretical and empirical findings does not contribute to a unit%s cohesiveness. Against this background, it has to be emphasized that the problem is related to Special Forces with a prestige global status, where such issues are tackled in a particularly reasoned and processed manner and over a longer period of time. Partial shifts in the integration of women into Special Forces have already been accomplished by some states. Yet, none of these states intend, by no means, to weaken the mission and status of Special Forces through such measures. Based on interviews carried out, the above-stated findings were established in the case of the Special Operation Forces, Slovenian Armed Forces. The trend of integrating women into Special Forces will, hence, remain to depend on the requirements posed by the security environment, which at the same time % is considered to be mainly facilitating the development of Special Forces.Keywords:special forces, women in special forces, selection process