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Title:Obveščevalna podpora delovanja enot JRKBO v SV in na MOM : zaključna naloga
Authors:Ban, Mitja (Author)
Tušak, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Rožanec, Janez (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Klasično vojaško obliko ogrožanja vse bolj nadomeščajo asimetrična delovanja, med katerimi so najpogostejši mednarodni terorizem, ekstremizem, verski fanatizem, trgovina s prepovedanimi snovmi, nenadzorovana proizvodnja nevarnih bioloških, kemičnih in jedrskih snovi ter njihova vse večja in lažja dostopnost. Prizadevanja različnih terorističnih skupin po svetu, da si pridobijo JRKB orožje so znana in prisotna. Enote SV se bodo glede na zgoraj navedena dejstva in na varnostne grožnje lahko soočile tudi z oblikami groženj, ki jih predstavljajo orožje za množično uničevanje. Bistveni cilj rodovske JRKB obveščevalne podpore delovanju taktične JRKB enote je, da se ugotovijo ter poveljniku in štabu predstavijo verjetne sovražnikove variante delovanja, ki vključujejo tudi uporabo orožij za množično uničevanje ali JRKB groženj in opredelijo izhajajoče grožnje lastnim silam. 18. BJRKBO kot namenska enota SV za zagotavljanje JRKBO, je že bila vključena v mednarodne aktivnosti Natovih odzivnih sil. S2 je s svojimi produkti izvajal rodovsko obveščevalno podporo v procesih načrtovnja delovanja in s tem podpiral poveljnika v procesu odločanja. V okviru procesa obveščevalne priprave bojišča, je potrebno s stališča JRKB obveščevalne podpore, opredeliti potencialne grožnje uporabe orožij za množično uničevanje, kot tudi morebitne izpuste nevarnih industrijskih snovi. Na osnovi pridobljenih izkušenj in nalog v času sodelovanja v rotacijah NRF-16, je ugotovljeno, da je potrebno nadgraditi obstoječe zmogljivosti v JRKB obveščevalni podpori delovanja enote. Ključne besede: analiza grožnje, JRKB obveščevalna priprava bojišča, JRKB obveščevalec, orožje za množično uničevanje, toksične industrijske snovi, Nato odzivne sile, Nato združeno poveljstvo.
Keywords:analiza grožnje, JRKB obveščevalna priprava bojišča, JRKB obveščevalec, orožje za množično uničevanje, toksične industrijske snovi, Nato odzivne sile, Nato združeno poveljstvo
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[M. Ban]
Source:Novo mesto
COBISS_ID:6323406 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Ban_Mitja_i2012.pdf (1,07 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Asymmetrical operations is increasingly replacing the classic form of military threats, among which are the most international terrorism, extremism, different movements, religious bigotry, the trade in illicit substances, uncontrolled production of hazardous biological, chemical and nuclear materials and their increasing availability. Despite a number of agreements on limitation of manufacturing, the non-proliferation and prohibition of the use of weapons of mass destruction likelihood of the use of this kind of weapons increases. Regarding the above mentioned facts and security threats, SA units might in future be faced with the threat posed by the weapons of mass destruction. In doing so, to support the commanders in the decision-making process the CBRN intelligence specialists products in the process of intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) will be significant. IPB whose carrier is S-2, contributes to the assessment of the situation with the production of intelligence estimates, assumptions and other intelligence products, and this supports the commander in decision making proces. In the context of the IPB the knowledge o the CBRN specialist is also needed to identify the possible use of weapons of mass destruction and the potential industrial discharges of hazardous substances. 18th NBCD battalion is the only NBC unit in SAF, though has already been involved in the processes and activities of NATO response force. S2 provided NBC intelligence support to the commander. According to the gathered lessons learned information%s, it has to be improved the current NBC intelligence support for commander during international activities such as NATO response force operations. The essential aim of CBRN Intelligence preparation of battlefield is to identify and to present plausible enemy COA to commander and headquarters, involving the use of weapons of mass destruction and to define the resulting threat to their own forces.
Keywords:threat analysis, NBC IPB, NBC intelligence, weapons of mass destruction, toxic industrial material, joint force command, NATO response force


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