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Title:Vplivi sodobnega bojevanja na proces taktičnega usposabljanja z bojnimi MES, s poudarkom na varnostnih ukrepih : zaključna naloga
Authors:Lužar, Jože (Author)
Arnejčič, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Z uvedbo novih sistemov v operativno uporabo SV je nenehno potreben tudi razvoj pri načrtovanju in izvajanju usposabljanja za uporabo le teh. Pri usposabljanju pa je temeljno načelo uspešnega dela upoštevanje varnostnih mer in usposobljenost pripadnikov, da lahko nalogo izvedejo tudi v zahtevnejših kriznih situacijah. Iz zgoraj izhajajočih načel sem se odločil, da na podlagi vaje 14. INŽB %Prehod 2012% opišem taktično uporabo sistema LPEMBS za prehod skozi MEO. V drugem delu pa sem se opredelil na tehnično rešitev vadišča za urjenje pripadnikov po programu za nasilno vdiranje v objekte z uporabo MES. Menim, da je omenjeno nalogo možno nadgraditi, oz. jo uporabiti za pomoč pri usposabljanju ostalih enot SV, za katere je predvidena formacijska uporaba LPEMBS-a. Drugi del naloge sem naredil s ciljem, da predstavim tehnično rešitev in predloge na podlagi katerih je možno izdelati tehnično dokumentacijo, za izdelavo ovir in postavitev le teh na vadišču. Na podlagi ogleda vaje sem opisal taktične postopke enote pri lansiranju sistema, in v drugem delu izdelal varnostne izračune za ovire ter predlog izdelave ovir s finančno konstrukcijo. Zapisi v nalogi imajo praktično uporabo in jih je možno uporabiti pri načrtovanju in izvedbi usposabljanja inženirskih kot tudi ostalih enot SV. Z rezultati prikazanimi v nalogi je možno izdelati tehnično dokumentacijo za predlagane ovire, in dolgoročno privarčevati pri usposabljanju po Programu za inštruktorja za nasilno vdiranje v objekte. Samo raziskavo in poizvedovanje o možnosti nabave materiala sem izvedel v okolici Novega mesta, vaja prehoda preko MEO s sistem LPEMBS pa je bila izvedena na osrednjem vadišču SV v Zeleni dolini. Nalogo sem zastavil in izdelal na podlagi izkušenj dela v SV in na podlagi znanja, ki sem ga pridobil v času izobraževanja za pridobitev dodatnega VED inženirstva.
Keywords:minsko eksplozivne ovire, LPEMBS, nasilni vhod v stavbo, varnostne mere
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[J. Lužar]
Source:Novo mesto
COBISS_ID:4680142 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Luzar_Joze_i2012.pdf (1,91 MB)
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Abstract:The introduction of new weapon systems into tactical use in the units of SAF (Slovenian Armed Forces) requires planning, development and delivering new training programs. Training with focus on safety precautions is a fundamental principle to qualify skilled weapon system operators, capable to complete the missions even in complex crisis situations. Resulting from the above principles, I decided to work in the 1st section of my final work on the 14th ENGB (72nd Brig. of SAF) Tactical Exercise %%Breaching 2012%% in order to describe the tactical use of the L-PEMBS (Light Portable Explosive Minefield Breaching System). Its purpose is to deliver beaching through the MEO (Mine Explosive Obstacles). This section contains detailed description of tactical procedures gathered in the launching of the L-PEMBS drill. The 2nd section introduces technical solution for building up a training area outside the barracks of 14th ENGB for conducting the Urban breaching program for violent breaking into facilities with explosives. The focus is on overview and preparation of the necessary technical documentation for: building up the obstacles and training area, its testing, safety calculations and gaining operational license for its functional use. Even a financial evaluation was made. Both the Urban breaching program and the tactical use of the L-PEMBS could be introduced trough training programs to other units of SAF, with purpose to provide them basic obstacle breaching knowledge, the use of explosives and L-PEMBS. Records in this paper have practical application and can be used in planning and conducting training for other units of the SAF.The results shown in this paper are possible basis to prepare technical documentation for the described urban breaching demolition training area and they bring some long-term savings too. The study and inquire about the purchase of the materials for building a training area was undertaken in the vicinity of Novo Mesto. On the other side breaching of the MEO with L-PEMBS was carried out at the central training area of SAF %%Poček%% near Postojna. This final work was done under the experiences achieved true the my work in the SAF and knowledge I acquired trough my additional specialization for an engineer officer.
Keywords:mine-explosive obstacles, LPEMBS, violent entrance, security dimensions


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