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Russian aggression on Ukraine
Damjan Štrucl, 2022

Abstract: The contemporary security environment is global, dynamic, and unpredictable, particularly in terms of providing cyber security and cyber defence. Numerous analyzes of Russian hybrid operations have shown that the Russian Federation is conducting a number of cyber operations to achieve its politically strategic goals. Despite such debates, the Russo-Ukrainian war represents a new turning point in the global security environment, as many non-state actors have become involved in the conflict and cyberspace has become a tool for implementing sanctions. Thus, the article aims to analyze the implementation of cyber operations of the Russian Federation as observed in the case of its military aggression against Ukraine and the potential global impact of cyberspace in armed conflict for the future.
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Summary of found: ...cyberspace, hybrid operations, information operations, cyber operations, cyber attacks, Russian Federation,...
Keywords: cyberspace, hybrid operations, information operations, cyber operations, cyber attacks, Russian Federation, Ukraine
Published: 08.07.2022; Views: 3732; Downloads: 39
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Planning for strategic information operations
Lawrence E. Cline, 2024

Abstract: Strategic information operations (IO) have normally been viewed as an issue above the military level. Nevertheless, they are critical both in shaping the larger operational environment and in providing a strategic initiative short of war. As such, they are crucial for military strategists. Also, in most Western countries, the focus has been on defensive measures against opponents’ IO efforts. Such a defensive mindset is unlikely to succeed. Some long-term patterns and lessons learned in IO provide a useful template for both defensive and offensive IO campaigns.
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Keywords: information operations, disinformation, information warfare, political warfare
Published: 20.08.2024; Views: 755; Downloads: 6
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