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Operacije malih enot v naselju : napad na utrjena območja
Aljaž Dušak, 2011

Abstract: Bojevanje v naselju je ena najzahtevnejših oblik delovanja. Omejitve pri manevru, omejene cone delovanja in opazovanja, zakloni pred opazovanjem in ognjem, težko lociranje sovražnikovega ognja, bližinski boj, ostrostrelci, premikanje - kanaliziranje vozil, žrtve, podporna orožja, zveze, civilisti, razdejanje - ruševine, RKB (radiološka, kemična, biološka) nevarnost in bojna oskrba, vse to so vse elementi, ki narekujejo težavnost. Koalicijske sile se zbojem v naselju srečujejo na vsakem koraku. S klasičnim, simetričnim bojevanjem se skoraj ne srečamo več, uporniki se skrivajo po naseljih, kjer jev primeru spopada visoke intenzivnosti postranska škoda lahko hitro prevelika in nesprejemljiva. Zato je bojevanju v naselju potrebno nameniti posebno pozornost. Enote je potrebno izuriti, da bodo v takšnem okolju lahko ne samo opravile svojo nalogo, ampak iz boja prišle žive. Razpršenost poveljevanja zahteva izurjenost poveljnikov in sposobnost sprejemanja kritičnih odločitev na najnižjih taktičnih ravneh. Pri urjenju in usposabljanju poveljnikov in enote pa se je dobro opirati na izkušnje drugih držav, ki so se s takšno obliko bojevanja v preteklosti že srečevale.
Found in: ključnih besedah
Summary of found: ...bojevanje, izurjenost, izkušnje, uporniki, težavnost, urban combat, asymmetric warfare, skills, experience, rebels, difficulties...
Keywords: bojevanje v naselju, asimetrično bojevanje, izurjenost, izkušnje, uporniki, težavnost, urban combat, asymmetric warfare, skills, experience, rebels, difficulties
Published: 20.03.2013; Views: 9802; Downloads: 132
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Joint civil-military interaction as a tool in responding to hybrid threats
Thomas Matyók, Srečko Zajc, 2020

Abstract: The current focus on hybrid threats and asymmetric warfare can seem little more than a return to the past. How far into the past should we go to recognize this truth? Many doctrines and theories from the Industrial Age are not valid today. We need to move closer to the algorithm as a guide to action rather than remaining stuck using a static paradigm. Joint Civil-Military Interaction is one option offering an open security code, combining experts and expertise on demand and on time. We must unite our efforts, and improve international mechanisms of crisis management to respond faster, more accurately, and more efficiently. Geography no longer provides security. In a crisis, it does not matter from which direction the threat comes. We are all in the same boat or on Spaceship Earth.
Found in: ključnih besedah
Summary of found: ...The current focus on hybrid threats and asymmetric warfare can seem little more than a...
Keywords: asymmetric warfare, military doctrines, hybrid threats, civil-military interaction, resilience, solidarity, end state, way of thinking
Published: 06.10.2020; Views: 4353; Downloads: 16
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Asymmetric warfare threats in Greece
John M. Nomikos, 2020

Abstract: One of the biggest challenges of our time is the rise of asymmetric warfare threats. NATO and the EU are targeted by cybercrime syndicates, politically motivated non-state actors, and sophisticated state actors. Hostile cybercrime undermines all levels of society in NATO and the EU states, threatening political, economic, civil, and military security. Greece faces similar threats. This article focuses on the Greek cybersecurity strategy and analyses the causes and consequences of the terrorismorganized, illegal immigration nexus in Greece, and how essential it is to highlight the importance of collective intelligence sharing among the Greek security and intelligence community.
Found in: ključnih besedah
Keywords: Greece, asymmetric warfare, cyber-security, human trafficking, migration
Published: 07.10.2020; Views: 4166; Downloads: 15
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