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The communitarization of the European Unionʼs defence policy
Katarina Vatovec, 2021

Abstract: This paper argues that incremental steps, beginning with the institutional set-up framed by the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, through the adoption of the EU Global Strategy in 2016, to recent policy initiatives, endorsed mechanisms and their implementation in the field of defence, are paving the way towards its communitarization. The political will of Member States could be gradually generated through experience, through a number of policy initiatives and their successful implementation, and through the awareness of the contemporary geopolitical changes with traditional and new security threats. The process of communitarization is dependent on the Member Statesʼ political will, and could eventually lead towards building a European Defence Union.
Found in: osebi
Keywords: defence policy, European Union, communitarization
Published: 19.10.2021; Views: 3913; Downloads: 33
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