Tacling irregular migration in EuropeMiklós Böröcz, 2021
Opis: Irregular migration is a security risk for the EU. This risk from outside Europe cannot be dealt with effectively without capacity building at foreign interfaces, so it could be assessed as an area of the former CFSP. This position was supported by the influx of irregular migrants that reached Europe in 2015, and the risks and consequences of unpreparedness for national security. This study presents the three main routes for irregular migrants which affect Europe, the countries they pass through, and the actions of EU bodies. In addition to the discussion, later in the article potential solutions to the issue will be formulated.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: ...Mediterranean migration route, central Mediterranean migration route, western Mediterranean migration route....
Ključne besede: irregular migration, security risk, eastern Mediterranean migration route, central Mediterranean migration route, western Mediterranean migration route.
Objavljeno: 10.08.2021; Ogledov: 3499; Prenosov: 6
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