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Karierni model pripadnikov letalstva : zaključna naloga
Jaka Alijeski, 2013

Opis: Karierni model za pripadnike letalstva SV danes še ne obstaja. Glede na načrtovano reorganizacijo celotne SV po Strukturi SV 2013-2018, ki še ni uradno potrjena v nalogi predlagam okvirni karierni model, ki izhaja iz specifičnosti letalskega poklica. Obenem so predstavljene vse specifičnosti vojaškega letalstva od nabora kandidatov, šolanja, usposabljanja do problematike, ki dejansko zaradi majhnosti sistema praktično skoraj onemogoča izdelavo učinkovitega kariernega modela pripadnikov letalstva.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: ...usposabljanje, licence, career model, aviation personnel, education, training, licence...
Ključne besede: karierni model, letalstvo, letalsko osebje, izobraževanje, usposabljanje, licence, career model, aviation personnel, education, training, licence
Objavljeno: 16.11.2016; Ogledov: 8351; Prenosov: 252
.pdf Polno besedilo (492,22 KB)

Violent acts against healthcare institutions and workers in Hungary
Gabriella Ráczkevy-Deák, 2021

Opis: The present cross-sectional quantitative research aims to gain a sense of which form of violence is the most common in Hungarian healthcare institutions. It aims to assess whether communication, simulation, and self-defence training is provided in institutions, to find out whether workers would participate in such training, and to assess the relationship between training (communication, simulation, self-defence) and confidence. Healthcare workers are affected by most acts of violence coming from patients. The most common type of aggression on the part of patients and relatives is verbal aggression, including teasing, verbal abuse, and threats of abuse. The data show that communication training alone is not enough to make health workers confident. They should have a tool in their hands, e.g., practice after selfdefence education, simulation practice, as this makes it easier for the employee to communicate.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: assess whether communication, simulation, and self-defence training is provided in institutions, to find out...
Ključne besede: aggression, healthcare, prevention, training, self-defence, confidence
Objavljeno: 07.12.2021; Ogledov: 3619; Prenosov: 50
.pdf Polno besedilo (429,73 KB)

Planning for success
Christopher Young, 2022

Opis: Training is an investment in tomorrow fueled by the needs and resources of today. It is time-consuming to build training correctly, but even more so to do it poorly. The model that NATO uses to create and evaluate its training programmes is based on accepted industry standards, but it is not necessarily being used to its full potential in the area of cyberspace. The efficacy of the model is predicated on the objective quality of the deliverables it produces, yet development initiatives are often rushed or under-supported. Current evaluative practices also do not sufficiently confirm the quality of the training produced. More careful and deliberate planning is required, not only to create valid cyber training solutions for the Alliance, but also to ensure that its cyber training achieves organizational goals.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: ... Training is an investment in tomorrow fueled by...
Ključne besede: cyber training, efficacy, evaluation, ADDIE Model, Kirkpatrick Model
Objavljeno: 07.07.2022; Ogledov: 3329; Prenosov: 9
.pdf Polno besedilo (385,22 KB)

Rethinking the basic police training policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Milica Sikimić, 2022

Opis: Several terrorist attacks have occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 21st century, and all the security agencies in the country are dealing with the prevention and counteraction of terrorism. Training of police officers is conducted in three different training centres, and law enforcement officers have an average of 25 working weeks of basic police training. The main goal of this paper is to examine the representation of the topics of prevention and counterterrorism in the curricula of basic/entry police training conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). The results obtained revealed that it is possible for a police officer (policeman) or criminal inspector to not have had a single lesson on the topic of terrorism during their training.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Ključne besede: police officers, terrorism, law enforcement, training policy, Bosna in Hercegovina
Objavljeno: 28.12.2022; Ogledov: 2134; Prenosov: 22
.pdf Polno besedilo (391,35 KB)

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