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The changed character of war and the transformation of infantry squad, platoon and company
Viktor Potočnik, 2020

Opis: This article offers a model for transforming the infantry squad, platoon and company. It begins by establishing the elements of the changed character of war in the 21st century, the assumption being that the basis for the current infantry squad, platoon and company, in NATO armies, lies in the character of war as it was during the two World Wars. Since the character of war has changed, it should be logical that this is also the case with infantry squad, platoon and company in terms of their doctrine, organization, culture, training, technology, and so on. However, as the article shows, using a US case study, this is not quite the case, so the article uses transformation theory to offer a model of thinking about the necessary changes.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: ...the case, so the article uses transformation theory to offer a model of thinking about...
Ključne besede: Infantry squad, infantry platoon, infantry company, character of war, transformation theory
Objavljeno: 06.10.2020; Ogledov: 4405; Prenosov: 28
.pdf Polno besedilo (825,01 KB)

Proxy war: its philosophy and ethics
Mihály Boda, 2023

Opis: Since the Second World War, proxy war has become one of the most widespread forms of war. One recent example, the war of Ukraine and its supporters against Russia, is being fought close to Europe. Although the theoretical features of proxy war in general have been researched in recent decades, the character of proxy war has changed since that time, which makes it necessary to study these features again. This article examines the concept of proxy war, and the ethical and particularly the justice-related implications of that concept, with the help of military philosophical and military ethical enquiry, and finds that the new style proxy relationship contains the satisfaction of the interests of the supporter and the supported at the same time, which, however, can hamper the consolidation of the conflict and reaching a lasting peace.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: ...proxy wars, just war theory, state interest...
Ključne besede: proxy wars, just war theory, state interest
Objavljeno: 04.01.2024; Ogledov: 1464; Prenosov: 10
.pdf Polno besedilo (418,88 KB)

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