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Človeški dejavnik v vojaškem sistemu : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih opravljenega raziskovalnega dela na projektu v okviru ciljnega raziskovalnega programa (CRP)
Ljubica Jelušič, 2006

Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: ...Military personnel, Družbena omrežja, Social networks, Družina, Family, Zasebnost, Privacy, Zaposlovalna politika, Employment policy, Slovenska...
Ključne besede: Slovenska vojska, Slovenian Army, Vojaško osebje, Military personnel, Družbena omrežja, Social networks, Družina, Family, Zasebnost, Privacy, Zaposlovalna politika, Employment policy, Slovenska vojska, družine
Objavljeno: 11.11.2011; Ogledov: 11576; Prenosov: 56
.doc Polno besedilo (2,54 MB)
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Military specific risk and protective factors for military family health outcomes
Janja Vuga Beršnak, 2020

Opis: Being a military professional and performing the job in the name of one%s country is hardly comparable to other occupations. The military and the family, as greedy institutions, put high demands on their members so it can be difficult to balance between them, which can lead to dysfunctions % negative health outcomes. Every person needs to address various demands during the course of their lives, and the risk and protective factors occur at various socio-ecological levels. This article explains a theoretical model of military specific risk and protective factors which affect military family health outcomes, developed by the author of this article. As currently identified, the most influential military specific factors are: deployments, service member%s gender, combat experience, social network/extended family support, effective work/family balance, and stress resilience-coping.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Ključne besede: military family, military, health outcomes, risk and protective factors
Objavljeno: 17.06.2020; Ogledov: 6331; Prenosov: 18
.pdf Polno besedilo (519,50 KB)

The relevance of military families for military organizations and milirary sociology
Ljubica Jelušič, Julija Jelušič Južnič, Jelena Juvan, 2020

Opis: This article presents the history of relations between the military family and the military organization, which have varied from forbiddance, to ignorance, regulation, and finally to inclusion in the military community. The turning point appeared at a time of introducing all volunteer force when the loyalty of families towards the military became important for recruitment and retention of service members. This was also the moment for military sociology to discover the military families as interesting to deploy the general sociological concepts of greedy institutions, work-life balance, negotiation between military and family, etc. The militaries in Slovenian territory followed these trends. Slovenian military sociologists contributed an important part of the knowledge of Slovenian military families to global social science achievements.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: ...the history of relations between the military family and the military organization, which have varied...
Ključne besede: military family, history of relations between military and family, comprehensive care for service members of the SAF, research of military families in military sociology
Objavljeno: 17.06.2020; Ogledov: 5360; Prenosov: 20
.pdf Polno besedilo (380,39 KB)

Military families in Estonia, Slovenia and Sweden
Kairi Kasearu, Ann-Margreth E. Olsson, Andres Siplane, Janja Vuga Beršnak, 2020

Opis: The concept %military family% is very well known in the international academic sphere, but is not a widely used term in many countries. The aim of this article is to elaborate the concept of the military family and the situation of these families in Estonia, Slovenia and Sweden. The similarities and differences between these three countries are highlighted by showing how the cultural, social and military context may influence and shape the recognition of military families, services and support provision.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: ...The concept %military family% is very well known in the international...
Ključne besede: military family, services and social support, Estonia, Sweden, Slovenia
Objavljeno: 17.06.2020; Ogledov: 5673; Prenosov: 12
.pdf Polno besedilo (400,41 KB)

Military family readiness
Donabelle C. Hess, 2020

Opis: NATO encompasses a diverse multinational environment and wide-ranging social support systems as most families do not have the normal infrastructure support they are used to. Assignment to a NATO base presents a challenge as families navigate military life, a diverse culture and language of the host nation. Military community support and services may be particularly beneficial for military families due to the increased need of such support during deployments, separations, and relocations. The goal of this article is to review the existing literature and highlight the importance of community support, services, and state programs that foster family resilience while stationed overseas; and how these protective measures may be applied to all the families of the armed forces.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Ključne besede: resilience, well-being, military family, community support, family support center, support services and programs
Objavljeno: 17.06.2020; Ogledov: 5116; Prenosov: 3
.pdf Polno besedilo (308,75 KB)

Structure of the support system for military families in the United Kingdom, Germany and Slovenia
Matej Jakopič, 2020

Opis: The article aims to bring forth the anthropological and sociological characteristics affecting the military personnel and military families. It presents the structure of the support system for military families in the United Kingdom, Germany and Slovenia. For the latter, legal bases are presented regulating the support for military families, and the activities of the Comprehensive Care Section and the Military Chaplaincy, which are the only two bodies in the Slovenian Armed Forces to engage in the support of military families. The aim of the article is to contribute a piece of the answer to the big question: how to find the correct and appropriate path to help the families of Slovenian soldiers.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: ... family, military family, Slovenian Armed Forces, comprehensive care,...
Ključne besede: family, military family, Slovenian Armed Forces, comprehensive care, military chaplaincy
Objavljeno: 17.06.2020; Ogledov: 5320; Prenosov: 8
.pdf Polno besedilo (369,05 KB)

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