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Military and ethics
Maja Garb, 2023

Opis: Ethics is an important element of military professionalism, and a factor in military work and behaviour, especially during operations. Studies and surveys show that ethical military leaders are crucial in promoting ethical conduct within the armed forces. This article presents the work of the Science and Technology Organization’s research team on Factors Affecting Ethical Leadership, which focuses on the study of military ethics, ethical education and training, national practices of teaching ethics in the armed forces, the documentation of relevant ethical cases, and surveying the opinions of military personnel with regard to ethical military leadership.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: ...during operations. Studies and surveys show that ethical military leaders are crucial in promoting ethical...
Ključne besede: military leadership, ethical leaders, military ethics, ethical dilemma, Science and Technology Organization
Objavljeno: 28.09.2023; Ogledov: 1744; Prenosov: 8
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