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Rethinking the basic police training policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Milica Sikimić, 2022

Opis: Several terrorist attacks have occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 21st century, and all the security agencies in the country are dealing with the prevention and counteraction of terrorism. Training of police officers is conducted in three different training centres, and law enforcement officers have an average of 25 working weeks of basic police training. The main goal of this paper is to examine the representation of the topics of prevention and counterterrorism in the curricula of basic/entry police training conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). The results obtained revealed that it is possible for a police officer (policeman) or criminal inspector to not have had a single lesson on the topic of terrorism during their training.
Najdeno v: osebi
Ključne besede: police officers, terrorism, law enforcement, training policy, Bosna in Hercegovina
Objavljeno: 28.12.2022; Ogledov: 2049; Prenosov: 22
.pdf Polno besedilo (391,35 KB)

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