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Zmogljivosti in pripravljenost Slovenske vojske za izvajanje nalog za podporo državnim organom in organizacijam pri zagotaljanju varnosti in blaginje državljanom Republike Slovenije : zaključna naloga
Mirko Ognjenovič, 2008

Abstract: V zaključni nalogi so iz različnih normativno pravnih in doktrinarnih dokumentov zbrane in analizirane naloge Slovenske vojske za pomoč drugim državnim organom in organizacijam pri zagotavljanju varnosti in blaginje državljanom Republike Slovenije. V analizi je ugotovljeno, da za večino nalog v normativno pravnih in načrtovalnih dokumentih ni določenih izvajalcev (razen za naloge zaščite, reševanja in pomoči) ter, da enote niso zadolžene za izvajanje konkretnih nalog. To je eden od razlogov, zaradi katerega Slovenska vojska še nima v celoti razvitih operativnih zmogljivosti za izvajanje vseh nalog s področja nudenja pomoči državnim organom pri zagotavljanju varnosti in blaginje državljanom Republike Slovenije. V zaključni nalogi so opisani razlogi, zakaj je dodelitev naloge enoti pogoj, brez katerega ni možno razviti operativnih zmogljivosti. V zaključku naloge so podani predlogi za spremembe s področja normativno pravne ureditve, izdelan je predlog razdelitve nalog za pomoč drugim državnim organom in organizacijam po enotah Slovenske vojske, upoštevajoč njihov namen in poslanstvo.
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Summary of found: ...support to state agencies, security and welfare to the citizens of the...
Keywords: support to state agencies, security and welfare to the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia.
Published: 11.11.2011; Views: 8587; Downloads: 67
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Bližnja letalska podpora v ISAF in MOM : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Boštjan Bavdek, 2013

Abstract: Diplomsko delo opisuje osnove bližnje letalske podpore v ISAF in na MOM. Dokument vsebuje osnoven opis sistema nadziranja oz. zahtevanja bližnje letalske podpore, usmerjevalca združenega ognja, letalskih orožij, uporabe različnih zračnih plovil in nevarnosti s tal. Opisane so tudi vrste ciljev, nakatere lahko delujemo, vrste protiletalskega orožja in načini preprečevanja delovanja po lastnih enotah. Vsebina je zgoščen opis delovanja bližnje letalske podpore, ki nam omogoča razumeti delovanje sistema na bojišču ali misijah.
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Summary of found: ...bližnja letalska podpora, International security assistance force, ISAF, letalsko orožje, usmerjevalec združenega...
Keywords: bližnja letalska podpora, International security assistance force, ISAF, letalsko orožje, usmerjevalec združenega ognja
Published: 29.08.2014; Views: 9360; Downloads: 91
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Monistic theory of human rights and paralysis of security systems
Rok Svetlič, 2020

Abstract: This article analyzes the specific risks that concern the basic functioning of the state which are not the result of the inefficiency of the authorities but of their legal paralysis. Through the interpretation of legal acts, an ideological agenda which is incompatible with the fundamental postulates of liberal democracy enters social reality. Consequently, security authorities are paralyzed in performing their tasks, as they are treated as potential violators of human rights. The solution cannot be sought at a legislative level, but at the level of a complex theory, based on the realization that democracy is incompatible with the passivity and paralysis of repressive authorities, as well as with their excesses.
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Keywords: philosophy of law, human rights, security authorities, illegal migration
Published: 06.10.2020; Views: 4488; Downloads: 10
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Asymmetric warfare threats in Greece
John M. Nomikos, 2020

Abstract: One of the biggest challenges of our time is the rise of asymmetric warfare threats. NATO and the EU are targeted by cybercrime syndicates, politically motivated non-state actors, and sophisticated state actors. Hostile cybercrime undermines all levels of society in NATO and the EU states, threatening political, economic, civil, and military security. Greece faces similar threats. This article focuses on the Greek cybersecurity strategy and analyses the causes and consequences of the terrorismorganized, illegal immigration nexus in Greece, and how essential it is to highlight the importance of collective intelligence sharing among the Greek security and intelligence community.
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Summary of found: ...states, threatening political, economic, civil, and military security. Greece faces similar threats. This article focuses...
Keywords: Greece, asymmetric warfare, cyber-security, human trafficking, migration
Published: 07.10.2020; Views: 4488; Downloads: 15
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Hungaryʼs legal efforts to strengthen climate resilience
Tamás Berek, László Földi, József Padányi, 2020

Abstract: It has become important for Hungary, like other countries, to have a proper background in order to adapt to extreme weather phenomena caused by climate change. Several legal and technical regulations have been developed recently as strategic answers to these challenges. The defence sector also takes part in this process, so this paper highlights the primary environmental risks concerning the military, and presents some possibilities for the armed forces to be %greener%, based on the example of the Hungarian Defence Forces. A small country such as Hungary, of course, cannot stop these unwanted global processes; the goal is to ease the consequences and adapt to the changes as much as possible in order to increase climate resilience.
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Keywords: climate change, adaptation, resilience, warfare, security
Published: 07.10.2020; Views: 4333; Downloads: 4
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The EU-NATO partnership and ensuring information security and cybersecurity
Damjan Štrucl, 2021

Abstract: The EU and NATO are important political and security organizations in a global environment. The development of ICT and the new challenges of the contemporary security environment have led to the signing of a joint EU-NATO declaration. Both organizations are aware of their roles, and of the importance of working together to ensure security, especially as security challenges, risks, and threats are intertwined with both virtual and physical space. With this paper, we wish to analyze the EU-NATO strategic partnership in ensuring security and defence in the contemporary security environment, based on a joint statement from 2016.
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Keywords: NATO-EU cooperation, security environment, information environment, cybersecurity, cyberspace
Published: 10.08.2021; Views: 3656; Downloads: 11
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Tacling irregular migration in Europe
Miklós Böröcz, 2021

Abstract: Irregular migration is a security risk for the EU. This risk from outside Europe cannot be dealt with effectively without capacity building at foreign interfaces, so it could be assessed as an area of the former CFSP. This position was supported by the influx of irregular migrants that reached Europe in 2015, and the risks and consequences of unpreparedness for national security. This study presents the three main routes for irregular migrants which affect Europe, the countries they pass through, and the actions of EU bodies. In addition to the discussion, later in the article potential solutions to the issue will be formulated.
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Summary of found: ...Irregular migration is a security risk for the EU. This risk from...
Keywords: irregular migration, security risk, eastern Mediterranean migration route, central Mediterranean migration route, western Mediterranean migration route.
Published: 10.08.2021; Views: 3491; Downloads: 6
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European security and defence
Dick Zandee, 2021

Abstract: This article presents the gap between what has already been agreed and planned in the field of the European Unionʼs Common Security and Defence Policy in the past, and what we have actually achieved. We focus on the EUʼs strategic autonomy and the credibility of European military forces. The process of creating the Strategic Compass is an opportunity to rethink Europeʼs security future, to unify the positions of the Member States, and to increase realism in bridging the gap between rhetoric and action. For greater strategic autonomy and the credibility of the military, we propose improvements in eight actions.
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Keywords: EU common security and defence policy, Strategic compass, European military forces
Published: 18.10.2021; Views: 3833; Downloads: 23
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Missions and operations as a tool for shaping the EUʼs global engagement
Aleksandra Kozioł, 2021

Abstract: The European Union is an international actor which makes a contribution to increasing the level of security in the world. It is currently carrying out 11 civilian and 6 military missions and operations, deploying approximately 5,000 personnel. Although over the years it has adapted its mechanisms and instruments based on learning by doing, in recent times, deepened by the pandemic crisis, the attention of the Member States has shifted inwards. As a result, the European Union now faces a major challenge to define its security role.
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Summary of found: ...a contribution to increasing the level of security in the world. It is currently carrying...
Keywords: European Union, crisis management, missions, operations, security, peace
Published: 18.10.2021; Views: 3962; Downloads: 17
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Protecting critical infrastructure and critical information infrastructure
Henrik Beckvard, 2022

Abstract: Regardless of how you define critical infrastructure, and critical information infrastructure as part of it, these are elements necessary for the functioning, integrity and security of a digitised society. Mapping what is critical (information) infrastructure and assessing the risks and hazards to it is a first step towards protection, along with a risk decision to either mitigate, remediate or accept the risk. For the protection of critical (information) infrastructure it is necessary to coordinate efforts and collaboration between sectors, which are often interdependent. Public-PrivatePartnerships (PPP) and cooperation within organizations such as NATO and the EU are essential.
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Summary of found: ...elements necessary for the functioning, integrity and security of a digitised society. Mapping what is...
Keywords: resilience, critical infrastructure, NATO-EU cooperation, public-privatepartnerships, cyber security policy
Published: 06.07.2022; Views: 3325; Downloads: 24
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