Leashing the dogs of cyber warTatiana Jančárková, 2022
Abstract: States have increasingly been engaged in the development of cyber capabilities which can act across the full spectrum of effects. The structures competent to deliver these effects are usually institutionally tied to armed forces or intelligence services, or represent a mixture of the two. Both types of organizations are typically subject to strict oversight and control mechanisms due to the nature of their activities and their potential to impact on the constitutional foundations of a democratic state. Yet, there is limited research available on the respective national frameworks governing offensive cyber capabilities, and similarly little information on the applicable control mechanisms. This article provides an overview of the areas of oversight, explores the challenges related to cyber capabilities, and offers possible avenues for future research.
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Summary of found: ...offensive cyber operations, human rights, rule of law, constitutional order, oversight...
Keywords: offensive cyber operations, human rights, rule of law, constitutional order, oversight
Published: 07.07.2022; Views: 3261; Downloads: 16
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