20 years of the Republic of Slovenia in Nato: some impressions about a tiny part and the wholeIgor Kotnik-Dvojmoč, 2024
Abstract: Smart states, through alliances, synergistically enhance the capacity, readiness, responsiveness, resilience, sustainability and interoperability of their instruments of national power. NATO is constantly continually responding in a multidimensional way to changing security threats and operational circumstances, including by updating and upgrading concepts, plans and measures. The Alliance is also an opportunity for self-reflection; not to judge in retrospect, but to prevent mistakes in the future. We need to discuss honestly why we might be elsewhere, as had been desired and planned, but at the same time, despite our small size, we could be more courageous in pursuing different and original solutions.
Found in: ključnih besedah
Summary of found: ...instruments of national power, small states, defence capabilities, military build-up...
Keywords: instruments of national power, small states, defence capabilities, military build-up
Published: 18.04.2024; Views: 1378; Downloads: 15
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