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Planning for success
Christopher Young, 2022

Abstract: Training is an investment in tomorrow fueled by the needs and resources of today. It is time-consuming to build training correctly, but even more so to do it poorly. The model that NATO uses to create and evaluate its training programmes is based on accepted industry standards, but it is not necessarily being used to its full potential in the area of cyberspace. The efficacy of the model is predicated on the objective quality of the deliverables it produces, yet development initiatives are often rushed or under-supported. Current evaluative practices also do not sufficiently confirm the quality of the training produced. More careful and deliberate planning is required, not only to create valid cyber training solutions for the Alliance, but also to ensure that its cyber training achieves organizational goals.
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Summary of found: ...its full potential in the area of cyberspace. The efficacy of the model is predicated... ... Training is an investment in tomorrow fueled by...
Keywords: cyber training, efficacy, evaluation, ADDIE Model, Kirkpatrick Model
Published: 07.07.2022; Views: 3346; Downloads: 9
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