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Organizacija uporabe zračnega prostora za delovanje vojaških sil v zračnem prostoru RS
Siniša Možina, Valter Tomšič, Simon Ganza

Published: 14.06.2024; Views: 2; Downloads: 2
Gradivo je na voljo samo prijavljenim uporabnikom!

Inženirska podpora kopenskega delovanja SV
Igor Strašek, Jože Škofljanec, Marko Butara

Published: 14.06.2024; Views: 9; Downloads: 8
Gradivo je na voljo samo prijavljenim uporabnikom!

Metode modeliranja bojnega delovanja enot
Jaka Berger, Matej Poljak, Luka Nejc Končina

Published: 14.06.2024; Views: 7; Downloads: 5
Gradivo je na voljo samo prijavljenim uporabnikom!

Military balancing for future conventional arms control agreements in Europe
William Lippert, 2024

Abstract: Kvalitativna ocena konvencionalnega vojaškega ravnovesja med Natom in Rusijo je lahko podlaga za morebitne sporazume o nadzoru nad konvencionalnimi silami (CAC) v Evropi. Članek obravnava metode za ocenjevanje zmogljivosti sil in vojaškega ravnovesja; sledijo predlogi za posodobitev metod, ki izhajajo iz spoznanj o nedavnih spopadih, trendih in razvoju vojaških zmogljivosti. Pri tem predstavlja model ponderirane statične analize sil za oceno vojaškega ravnovesja, ki se lahko uporabi za sporazume CAC, t. i. kvantitativni pristop k nadzoru nad konvencionalnimi silami (QuACAC). Ta lahko pripomore k zmanjšanju nesoglasij med pogajalskimi stranmi in omogoči prilagajanje sporazumov CAC.
Keywords: vojaško ravnovesje, nadzor nad konvencionalnimi silami, rusko-ukrajinska vojna, pokonfliktni sporazumi
Published: 24.04.2024; Views: 959; Downloads: 10
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Prestige, humiliation and saving face: national identity and great power politics
Hanna Samir Kassab, 2024

Abstract: Članek zagovarja tezo, da je dinamika prestiža in ponižanja sila na sistemski ravni, ki oblikuje vedenje držav. Če psihološki dejavnik povežemo s strukturnim realizmom, ugotovimo, da močnejša, kot je država, bolj si lahko prizadeva, da bi preteklo ponižanje odpravila z agresivnimi dejanji, s katerimi si prizadeva za prestiž. Tako želi ponovno potrditi svojo moč in status, da bi izbrisala preteklo ponižanje in dosegla prestiž tudi na račun drugih. Obravnavani bodo trije zgodovinski primeri: izbris versajske pogodbe s strani nacistične Nemčije, kitajsko stoletje ponižanja in širitev Severnoatlantske zveze v Vzhodno Evropo proti Rusiji. V prispevku bo nato opredeljeno vedenje, ki omogoča tekmecu, da ohrani prestiž in se izogne ponižanju kot način za deeskalacijo napetosti.
Keywords: varnost, vojna, konflikti, konstruktivizem, teorija
Published: 24.04.2024; Views: 894; Downloads: 8
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20 years of the Republic of Slovenia in Nato: some impressions about a tiny part and the whole
Igor Kotnik-Dvojmoč, 2024

Abstract: Smart states, through alliances, synergistically enhance the capacity, readiness, responsiveness, resilience, sustainability and interoperability of their instruments of national power. NATO is constantly continually responding in a multidimensional way to changing security threats and operational circumstances, including by updating and upgrading concepts, plans and measures. The Alliance is also an opportunity for self-reflection; not to judge in retrospect, but to prevent mistakes in the future. We need to discuss honestly why we might be elsewhere, as had been desired and planned, but at the same time, despite our small size, we could be more courageous in pursuing different and original solutions.
Keywords: instruments of national power, small states, defence capabilities, military build-up
Published: 18.04.2024; Views: 985; Downloads: 10
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Nato@75 – the future of the Atlantic Alliance in tumultuous times
Fritz Rademacher, 2024

Abstract: This article takes an in-depth look at the Atlantic Alliance as it is approaching its 75th anniversary. It analyses the prevalent strategic environment in which NATO operates, with its multiple risks and rivalries; and addresses the main elements on its agenda as it manages the numerous challenges to Euro-Atlantic security and defence of today and tomorrow. To this end, it offers insights into NATO’s main efforts in such areas as deterrence and defence, Ukraine, partnership, enlargement, transatlantic relations, resilience, upholding and protecting the international rules-based order, emerging and disruptive technologies, and climate change and security.
Published: 18.04.2024; Views: 812; Downloads: 4
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Putin's dilemma: Russia and the Slavic dimension of Nato enlargement
Andrej Benedejčič, 2024

Abstract: The potential weaponization of Slavdom is a poorly researched topic in the literature on hybrid warfare, despite the Slavic dimension of NATO after several rounds of enlargement. Part of the reason is the traditionally reserved attitude of Russian authorities to the Slavic idea, which runs counter to the idealized supranational character of Russia and can incite domestic ethnic populism. Even though Moscow has not used this instrument so far, the historical record shows that it could do so at a later stage if its very existence is at stake. The instrumentalization of Slavic identity therefore requires attention, not only as an impending threat, but also as a potential catalyst for change on the Russian side.
Keywords: hybrid warfare, Slavdom, Nato enlargement
Published: 18.04.2024; Views: 948; Downloads: 7
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Liliana Brožič, 2024

Keywords: obrambna politika, nacionalna varnost, varnostni izzivi, geopolitika
Published: 18.04.2024; Views: 982; Downloads: 5
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