Page 200 - Cyber Terrorism and Extremism as Threat to Critical Infrastructure Protection
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        Carmen Elena Cîrnu, is Scientific Researcher II, Head of the Cyber Security and
        Critical Infrastructure R&D Department and Vice President of the Scientific Council at the
        National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest, where she
        is involved in the development of research and development projects in the field of cyberse-
        curity, cyber diplomacy, critical infrastructure protection and the interoperability of e-gov-
        ernment systems. She graduated from the University of Bucharest in 2003, and obtained her
        PhD in 2011. An Aspen Institute Fellow and former Guest Researcher at the Global Security
        Research Institute Japan, she has held various roles in the field of research management, as
        well as at senior advisory level collaborating with universities and central public administra-
        tion institutions over the years. She is the author or co-author of numerous articles, books,
        studies, and research reports, and project manager for a significant number of national and
        international research projects in the field.

        Alexandru  Georgescu, is an Expert with the Department for Cybersecurity and
        Critical Infrastructure Protection of the National Institute for Research and Development in
        Informatics. He studied Economics, then Geopolitics, and has obtained a PhD in Risk En-
        gineering for Critical Infrastructure Systems. He is actively involved in advancing Critical
        Infrastructure Protection and Resilience issues through cooperation at the international level,
        and has worked on international projects for the European Space Agency, among others. He
        is currently a moderator for the Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection Working Group of
        the European Defence Agency’s Consultation Forum on Sustainable Energy in the Defence
        and Security Sectors. He was a Visiting Fellow with the Shanghai Institutes for International
        Studies. He is also affiliated to the European Centre for Excellence for Blockchain, with the
        Romanian Association for Space Technology and Industry, the EURISC Foundation and Eu-
        rodefense. He has turned his PhD thesis into a book on Critical Space Infrastructures – Risk,
        Resilience and Complexity, published by Springer in 2019.

        Mark Grzegorzewski, PhD. is a Resident Senior Fellow in the Department of Stra-
        tegic Studies at Joint Special Operations University where he is currently focused on cy-
        berspace operations and artificial intelligence. He has a recent article in The Special Opera-
        tions Journal on “Demystifying Artificial Intelligence through DoD Education,” and has a
        chapter titled “Why Silicon Valley is a Poorly Suited Model for SOF” in the upcoming JSOU
        Press “Big Data for Generals” monograph. Dr. Grzegorzewski holds a Ph.D., M.A., and B.A.
        in Political Science from the University of South Florida, along with a graduate certificate in
        Globalization Studies.

        Metodi Hadji-Janev, Brigadier General, (Ph.D.) is a TRADOC commander in the
        Armed forces of the Republic of North Macedonia. He is an associate professor at the Military
        Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski”-Skopje, a unit of University “Goce Delcev” in Stip,
        Macedonia, and an Adjunct Faculty Member at Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, Arizona
        State University, ASU, U.S.A. D-r Hadji-Janev’s current scholarship focuses on legal aspects
        of countering asymmetric, cyber, and hybrid-based threats, with emphasis on critical informa-
        tion infrastructure and critical infrastructure protection.

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