Page 203 - Cyber Terrorism and Extremism as Threat to Critical Infrastructure Protection
P. 203


            Adrian Victor Vevera, is the General Director and a member of the Scientific Council
            of the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, as well as a Senior
            Researcher II General Director. A Doctor of Military Sciences and Information, being both a
            lawyer and a nuclear physics engineer, Vevera has extensive experience in the field of national
            security, fulfilling various positions over time, in numerous managerial and counselling posts
            in different state organisms. He has published numerous articles and papers on national and
            international security issues, energy security, cybercrime, critical infrastructure protection,
            and has been the coordinator of numerous projects of national interest.

            Iva Žutić graduated in History and Comparative literature in 2007 at the Faculty of Philos-
            ophy University of Zagreb, and finished university specialist postgraduate study programme
            ‘Leadership’ in 2009. at the Faculty of Economy University of Zagreb. She started career in
            the private sector in 2008, and since 2010 has been employed as an advisor in the Agency for
            Mobility and EU programmes. Since January 2011, she has been employed in the Croatian
            Parliament, first as an advisor, then as the Secretary of the Deputy Club of Croatian People’s
            Party - Liberal Democrats. From July 2014 to July 2019, she worked at the European Par-
            liament in Brussels, Belgium, as an advisor for the European Union’s foreign, security and
            defence policy to Jozo Radoš, Member of the European Parliament.

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