Page 178 - Cyber Terrorism and Extremism as Threat to Critical Infrastructure Protection
P. 178


        As is common with the consumer purchase decision-making process, the traveller will evalu-
        ate their decision after consumption, which then provides further information to the individual
        to be used in future potential travel evaluation situations.

        Although a marketing example, the principles of decision-making – the integration of social,
        biological and psychological cues – will be the same for establishing threats within a work en-
        vironment, such as nuclear power stations. From this example, one can see that, with consider-
        able care and attention, it is relatively easy to programme a machine learning (ML) tool, using
        either an established psychometric model relating to stress (and/or deviance for that matter) or
        programming the ML after creating and testing a new, specific, stress-model, and then combine
        these cognitive results with the biological data. With ample time and budget, such an ML tool
        would, undoubtedly, result in a significant improvement on the work of Gjoreski et al. The prob-
        lem with using this approach, however, was alluded to at the very beginning of this paper. The
        problem is that this approach is based on current assumptions in the psychology and sociology
        literature. The weakness is not in the theory (although the theory will not be perfect), but in the
        very fabric of the philosophical approach underpinning the scientific process itself.

        4.1 The Inherent Weakness of Quantitative Methods – Methodological Issues When
        Researching Human Subjects

        There  are  some  very  specific  academic  considerations  when  researching  human  subjects
        rather than inanimate objects. Research methods, especially the quantitative methods found
        in computer science, involve re-modelling a theory into a smaller manageable component (an
        analogy) and then making up variables with corresponding questions and limiting the answers,
        in the form of a scale. This allows the scientist/programmer to fit the variables, questions and
        answers to a scientific theory, in a methodological process termed functional unity (Fletcher,
        1974). Statistical techniques are then used to measure how much these variables conform to,
        or deviate from, the given theory.

        The aim of the quantitative researcher, therefore, is to gauge the truth of part of this analogy,
        rather than to examine the whole issue. Once this is achieved, the research results are published
        and re-tested by others in a process known as falsification (Hammersley, 1989). In this process,
        the theory is only rejected once it has been falsified a number of times and in different ways.
        This process represents a fundamental weakness in research methodologies relating to human
        subjects (Fletcher, 1974), and is an impediment to any research on human behaviour because
        the method cannot reflect the true character of the social world (Hammersley, 1989). Until
        the development of ML, however, it was the only methodology that could be employed in
        computer science.

        The alternative, in the social sciences, is normally to engage in some form of qualitative
        research methodology, such as participant observation or ethnography (Hammersley, 1989),
        but this too, has its weaknesses – usually relating to overcoming researcher bias and the
        unverifiable accuracy of the results. Blumer (1989) and others argue, however, that qualitative
        methods, employing  a process of symbolic  interaction  and recognising the fundamental
        idiosyncrasies of human interaction, yield results on human subjects that aid and enhance
        understanding, rather than simply identifying trends.

        The meticulous and creative use of various types of algorithm, combined with multivariate
        statistical analysis, however, does yield the very real possibility of being able to replicate the

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