Page 140 - Cyber Terrorism and Extremism as Threat to Critical Infrastructure Protection
P. 140


        The current trends in the realm of cybersecurity, as evidenced by numerous studies in the field,
        for example Coburn et al. (2019) and O’Gorman et al. (2019), show that there is an increase
        in cybercrime that specifically targets critical infrastructure. Firstly, we have the exceptional
        growth in supply chain attacks through specific means – 78% from 2017 to 2018 (O’Gorman
        et al., 2019). Secondly, we have the various sector-based analyses which show that energy,
        transport, public administration, finance and others are key targets for cyberattacks, either
        motivated by profit, by ideology or by politics (Coburn et al., 2019).

        At the same time, we are witnessing the potentially uncontrolled proliferation of cyber weap-
        ons and the possibility of their modification to suit particular needs (Georgescu et al, 2019).
        Even without the loss of state-sponsored cyber weapons, we are also witnessing a disconnect
        between attacker and skill set. Previously, the attacker would need a specific skill set and
        knowledge to succeed. Today, the commodification of malware and the mirroring of legiti-
        mate business processes, such as the ability to purchase hacking services, DDoS attacks and
        so on, has resulted in a wider range of potential attackers, “democratizing” cyber disruption,
        whether coming from rivals, professional criminals, activists or even terrorists (Georgescu,

        Every piece of critical infrastructure in an advanced nation is controlled partly or completely
        through networked systems that enable specific functionalities and efficiencies involving data
        management, feedback loops, information gathering and processing and coordination. Every
        developing nation desires an infrastructure profile that ultimately increases the permeation
        of their critical infrastructures by cyber. This means that exposure to cyber risks is growing
        simultaneously with the growth in the number of attackers, their means and their potential
        rewards from attacks.

        These trends are exacerbated by paradigm shifts such as the Internet-of-Things with billions
        of devices and sensors, ubiquitous computing, artificial intelligence and, least remarked of
        all, the growth in the use of commercial-off-the-shelf solutions for complex and vulnerable
        systems, such as industrial control systems and SCADA (Georgescu & Cîrnu, 2019). More
        and more, even military technology and satellites (Falco, 2018) are based on commercial-
        off-the-shelf technologies and software. Whereas previously a SCADA system would feature
        proprietary equipment and software, dedicated communication lines and other advantages
        that offered it “security by opacity” from attackers, today these systems and others rely on
        internet connectivity, commercial sensors and equipment, and commercial software (Nazir
        et al., 2017). This evolution was motivated by mounting costs and the desire to enable new
        functionalities and efficiencies, but has resulted in this particular vulnerability. These evolu-
        tions effectively applied the logic of fast replacing consumer goods and electronics to durable
        goods and, increasingly, to complex systems whose lifespan is measured in decades. The
        profusion of unpatched and unpatchable devices results in long-term vulnerabilities which
        are inherent in the system until it is upgraded, a complex process which often results in the
        layering of different generations of control systems in a way which may result in emergent
        behaviours and new, non-deliberate threats, while also possibly giving rise to system exploits
        which may be used by adversaries.

        In conclusion, the cyber dimension of critical infrastructure has generated a persistent and
        evolving security problem which facilitates terrorism and other forms of deliberate disruption,
        and which must be addressed through systemic resilience.

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