1. Zmogljivosti in pripravljenost Slovenske vojske za izvajanje nalog za podporo državnim organom in organizacijam pri zagotaljanju varnosti in blaginje državljanom Republike Slovenije : zaključna nalogaMirko Ognjenovič, 2008 Opis: V zaključni nalogi so iz različnih normativno pravnih in doktrinarnih dokumentov zbrane in analizirane naloge Slovenske vojske za pomoč drugim državnim organom in organizacijam pri zagotavljanju varnosti in blaginje državljanom Republike Slovenije. V analizi je ugotovljeno, da za večino nalog v normativno pravnih in načrtovalnih dokumentih ni določenih izvajalcev (razen za naloge zaščite, reševanja in pomoči) ter, da enote niso zadolžene za izvajanje konkretnih nalog. To je eden od razlogov, zaradi katerega Slovenska vojska še nima v celoti razvitih operativnih zmogljivosti za izvajanje vseh nalog s področja nudenja pomoči državnim organom pri zagotavljanju varnosti in blaginje državljanom Republike Slovenije. V zaključni nalogi so opisani razlogi, zakaj je dodelitev naloge enoti pogoj, brez katerega ni možno razviti operativnih zmogljivosti. V zaključku naloge so podani predlogi za spremembe s področja normativno pravne ureditve, izdelan je predlog razdelitve nalog za pomoč drugim državnim organom in organizacijam po enotah Slovenske vojske, upoštevajoč njihov namen in poslanstvo. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Povzetek najdenega: ...support to state agencies, security and welfare to the citizens... Ključne besede: support to state agencies, security and welfare to the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. Objavljeno: 11.11.2011; Ogledov: 8342; Prenosov: 67 Polno besedilo (391,59 KB) |
2. Joint civil-military interaction as a tool in responding to hybrid threatsThomas Matyók, Srečko Zajc, 2020 Opis: The current focus on hybrid threats and asymmetric warfare can seem little more than a return to the past. How far into the past should we go to recognize this truth? Many doctrines and theories from the Industrial Age are not valid today. We need to move closer to the algorithm as a guide to action rather than remaining stuck using a static paradigm. Joint Civil-Military Interaction is one option offering an open security code, combining experts and expertise on demand and on time. We must unite our efforts, and improve international mechanisms of crisis management to respond faster, more accurately, and more efficiently. Geography no longer provides security. In a crisis, it does not matter from which direction the threat comes. We are all in the same boat or on Spaceship Earth. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Povzetek najdenega: ...hybrid threats, civil-military interaction, resilience, solidarity, end state, way of thinking... Ključne besede: asymmetric warfare, military doctrines, hybrid threats, civil-military interaction, resilience, solidarity, end state, way of thinking Objavljeno: 06.10.2020; Ogledov: 4443; Prenosov: 16 Polno besedilo (679,59 KB) |
3. Readiness of European countries for the return of foreign fighters of Islamic stateDenis Čaleta, Sara Perković, 2020 Opis: This analysis will consider whether foreign fighters pose a real danger to European security, knowing that the potential threat is always possible. Up to now, assessing the threat of returning foreign fighters has been very difficult. In this article we have attempted to analyze the attacks that have been carried out by returning foreign fighters in Belgium and France. Our research compared the politics of individual countries with the common foreign and security policy of the EU. We have investigated how these countries are dealing with the return of foreign fighters and what measures have been taken in this regard. In addition, we have tried to evaluate whether they are more focused on the prosecution of returning foreign fighters or whether their focus is connected with deradicalization and reintegration programmes. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Ključne besede: foreign fighters, terrorism, Islamic state, EU, legislation Objavljeno: 07.10.2020; Ogledov: 4419; Prenosov: 7 Polno besedilo (739,26 KB) |
4. Proxy war: its philosophy and ethicsMihály Boda, 2023 Opis: Since the Second World War, proxy war has become one of the most widespread forms of war. One recent example, the war of Ukraine and its supporters against Russia, is being fought close to Europe. Although the theoretical features of proxy war in general have been researched in recent decades, the character of proxy war has changed since that time, which makes it necessary to study these features again. This article examines the concept of proxy war, and the ethical and particularly the justice-related implications of that concept, with the help of military philosophical and military ethical enquiry, and finds that the new style proxy relationship contains the satisfaction of the interests of the supporter and the supported at the same time, which, however, can hamper the consolidation of the conflict and reaching a lasting peace. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Povzetek najdenega: ...proxy wars, just war theory, state interest... Ključne besede: proxy wars, just war theory, state interest Objavljeno: 04.01.2024; Ogledov: 1171; Prenosov: 8 Polno besedilo (418,88 KB) |