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The cognitive aspects of Europeʼs security and defence challenges
Igor Senčar, 2021

Abstract: The European post-Cold War order was based on a pan-European consensus that democracy was the only source of legitimacy % until the Kremlin opposed the realization of a Europe whole, free and at peace with itself. There has been a paradigm change from cooperation to systemic competition. Russian revisionism poses the greatest security threat to Europe. The nature of the threat was realized rather late. The assault on the post-Cold War order was not just a classic war, which relies on hard power; instead, the war also took place in the cognitive sphere, which represents a particular challenge for open, democratic societies. Furthermore, it was also a normative assault. An effective response requires a mental shift and the strengthening of cognitive resilience as well as solidarity as the key foundations of security.
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Summary of found: ...resilience, European Union, information warfare, normative conflict, revisionist power... ...a classic war, which relies on hard power; instead, the war also took place in...
Keywords: cognitive resilience, European Union, information warfare, normative conflict, revisionist power
Published: 18.10.2021; Views: 4286; Downloads: 39
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