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Globalni trg delovne sile : delovanje podčastnika SV v mednarodnem okolju
Andrej Vrviščar, 2011

Abstract: Zaključna naloga obravnava problematiko današnjega sodobnega globalnega sveta in s tem povezano delovanje podčastnika Slovenske vojske v mednarodnem okolju.Izraz sodobni globalni svet združuje številne tehnološke, gospodarske in kulturne-družbene spremembe, ki danes krojijo tako svet globalnega trga delovne sile kot tudi vsakdanje življenje posameznika in globalno varnost v svetu. V osrednjem delu naloge sem predstavil kako globalizacija in globalni trg delovne sile vplivata na spremembe Slovenske vojske kot organizacije ter kaj to pomeni za posameznika, ki mora zadostiti novim pogojem dela, vse bolj kompleksnim in zahtevnim usposabljanjem ter pripravam za delovanje v tujini. Tukaj sem se osredotočil predvsem na podčastnika kot hrbtenico Slovenske vojske in njegov vse večji doprinos k uspešnosti in večanju njenega ugleda doma in v tujini.
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Summary of found: ...modern world, globalization, global work market, Slovenian Armed Forces, multinational operations, multinational missions, non-comissioned offic...
Keywords: sodobni svet, globalizacija, globalni trg delovne sile, Slovenska vojska, mednarodne operacije, mednarodne misije, podčastnik, modern world, globalization, global work market, Slovenian Armed Forces, multinational operations, multinational missions, non-comissioned officer
Published: 25.04.2012; Views: 10444; Downloads: 163
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Karierni model pripadnikov oklepnih enot v Slovenski vojski : zaključna naloga
Iztok Stavanja, 2013

Abstract: Slovenska vojska se, kot element nacionalno varnostnega sistema, ob spreminjanju razmer v svetu in v nacionalnem okolju, transformira. Ob transformaciji se spreminjajo ravni poveljevanja vojske, najbolj občutljiv del transformacije pa je spreminjanje sestave rodovskih enot. V nalogi sem postavil poudarek na predlogu sestave oklepnih enot in drugih oklepnih zmogljivosti ter na pripravi predloga kariernega modela pripadnikov oklepnih enot. Ta temelji na preglednosti ter možnosti vzpostavitve pravičnih kriterijev za napredovanje vseh pripadnikov vojske. Obenem je nujno prevetriti normativne podlage s področja napredovanja vojakov, podčastnikov in častnikov v Slovenski vojski in predlagati spremembe za uveljavitev predlaganega kariernega modela.
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Summary of found: ...transformacija, oklepne enote, karierni model, formacija, Slovenian Armed Forces, transformation, armoured units, career model, formation...
Keywords: Slovenska vojska, transformacija, oklepne enote, karierni model, formacija, Slovenian Armed Forces, transformation, armoured units, career model, formation
Published: 14.11.2017; Views: 6759; Downloads: 240
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Transformacija Slovenske vojske - poveljevanje in kontrola v vojaški policiji SV : zaključna naloga
Vlado Tomažič, 2013

Abstract: Vsak vojaški poveljnik stremi k temu, da bo njegova enota učinkovita in sposobna izvajati svoje poslanstvo in naloge. Da bi dosegel ta cilj ima na voljo kar nekaj inštrumentov, med katere sodita tudi poveljevanje in kontrola, ki skupaj tvorita sistem poveljevanja in kontrole. Pa vendar bo le učinkovit sistem poveljevanja in kontrole poveljniku omogočal optimalno izkoriščanje dodeljenih virov ter pravočasno in pravilno odločanje pri vodenju enote. Poveljniki enot vojaške policije pri tem niso nobena izjema, saj si tudi sami želijo, da bi bil sistem poveljevanja in kontrole v vojaški policiji, tudi po zaključku transformacijskih aktivnosti organiziran na način, da bo vojaški policiji omogočal uresničitev poslanstva, ohranjal sposobnost hitrega in učinkovitega delovanja v izrednih situacijah, predvsem pa omogočal strokovno in zakonito izvajanje zakonsko opredeljenih nalog vojaške policije.
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Summary of found: ...poveljevanje in kontrola, strokovnost in zakonitost, Slovenian Armed Forces, military police, command and control, professional...
Keywords: Slovenska vojska, vojaška policija, poveljevanje in kontrola, strokovnost in zakonitost, Slovenian Armed Forces, military police, command and control, professional competence and lawfulness
Published: 14.11.2017; Views: 7541; Downloads: 79
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Structure of the support system for military families in the United Kingdom, Germany and Slovenia
Matej Jakopič, 2020

Abstract: The article aims to bring forth the anthropological and sociological characteristics affecting the military personnel and military families. It presents the structure of the support system for military families in the United Kingdom, Germany and Slovenia. For the latter, legal bases are presented regulating the support for military families, and the activities of the Comprehensive Care Section and the Military Chaplaincy, which are the only two bodies in the Slovenian Armed Forces to engage in the support of military families. The aim of the article is to contribute a piece of the answer to the big question: how to find the correct and appropriate path to help the families of Slovenian soldiers.
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Summary of found: ...the only two bodies in the Slovenian Armed Forces to engage in the support of...
Keywords: family, military family, Slovenian Armed Forces, comprehensive care, military chaplaincy
Published: 17.06.2020; Views: 4809; Downloads: 6
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Illegal migration and the role of the Slovenian armed forces
Liliana Brožič, 2020

Abstract: The Slovenian Armed Forces have been assisting the police in protecting the Schengen external border since the European migrant crisis of 2015. Despite the fact that the crisis is over, the number of illegal migrations in 2020 is not decreasing, and the Slovenian Armed Forces is supporting the police even more intensively at the internal European border with Italy. The military also helps to prevent illegal migration flow in other EU Member States. In this paper, we try to analyze the role of the armed forces in the prevention of illegal migration, and determine whether their use at the borders in the prevention of illegal migration is the right answer both at the national and the European levels, and what effects it has on the SAF%s ability to do its primary job.
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Keywords: EU, illegal migration, military, Slovenian Armed Forces, Police
Published: 07.10.2020; Views: 4669; Downloads: 21
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Jacob Galbreath, 2022

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Summary of found: ... armed forces, defence politics, cyberspace, cyber operations, security...
Keywords: armed forces, defence politics, cyberspace, cyber operations, security chalenges
Published: 11.07.2022; Views: 3077; Downloads: 35
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The origin of some military terms
Cristina Sáiz Enfedaque, Antonio Martínez de Baños, 2022

Abstract: The influence of the Roman Empire on Great Britain was deep, and Latin was the commonly used lingua franca at that time. The terms used for some ranks, weapons, cities, and others in many cases have their etymological origin in Latin or old English, or their derivatives in Romance languages. In the military realm, the hierarchical chain of command is defined by ranks such as the word ‘officer.’ In the case of cities, it is possible to know the influence of Roman locations in Great Britain from their names, as in the example of ‘Chesterfield’. Some words come from acronyms of specifically English etymology, as in ‘radar’, while others represent the full meaning of an organization, hierarchy, and so on, such as the word ‘army’.
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Summary of found: ... armed forces, terminology, etymology, Latin, old English, acronyms...
Keywords: armed forces, terminology, etymology, Latin, old English, acronyms
Published: 28.12.2022; Views: 1773; Downloads: 47
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Eight months of war in Ukraine
Berthold Sandtner, 2023

Abstract: There are three major dimensions which justify a closer examination when looking at the implications for the development of armed forces from lessons from the war in Ukraine: the strategic, conceptual/doctrinal, and capability development dimensions. Nuclear deterrence capabilities, as well as alliances, turned out to be paramount multipliers at the strategic level. Doctrinally, a comprehensive understanding of hybrid warfare should trigger a capability development, not only fuelled by likelihood but also by considering the most dangerous courses of action. Finally, capabilities should be generated, provided and trained for what they are planned to be employed for. A robust and capable command and control architecture is paramount in order to compensate conventional asymmetry and act decisively and successfully.
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Summary of found: ...at the implications for the development of armed forces from lessons from the war in...
Keywords: war in Ukraine, Austrian Armed Forces, military capability development, command and control, nuclear deterrence, hybrid warfare
Published: 03.04.2023; Views: 1559; Downloads: 13
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