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Zmogljivosti in pripravljenost Slovenske vojske za izvajanje nalog za podporo državnim organom in organizacijam pri zagotaljanju varnosti in blaginje državljanom Republike Slovenije : zaključna naloga
Mirko Ognjenovič, 2008

Abstract: V zaključni nalogi so iz različnih normativno pravnih in doktrinarnih dokumentov zbrane in analizirane naloge Slovenske vojske za pomoč drugim državnim organom in organizacijam pri zagotavljanju varnosti in blaginje državljanom Republike Slovenije. V analizi je ugotovljeno, da za večino nalog v normativno pravnih in načrtovalnih dokumentih ni določenih izvajalcev (razen za naloge zaščite, reševanja in pomoči) ter, da enote niso zadolžene za izvajanje konkretnih nalog. To je eden od razlogov, zaradi katerega Slovenska vojska še nima v celoti razvitih operativnih zmogljivosti za izvajanje vseh nalog s področja nudenja pomoči državnim organom pri zagotavljanju varnosti in blaginje državljanom Republike Slovenije. V zaključni nalogi so opisani razlogi, zakaj je dodelitev naloge enoti pogoj, brez katerega ni možno razviti operativnih zmogljivosti. V zaključku naloge so podani predlogi za spremembe s področja normativno pravne ureditve, izdelan je predlog razdelitve nalog za pomoč drugim državnim organom in organizacijam po enotah Slovenske vojske, upoštevajoč njihov namen in poslanstvo.
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Keywords: support to state agencies, security and welfare to the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia.
Published: 11.11.2011; Views: 8172; Downloads: 66
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Families in the maelstrom of late-modern social changes
Alenka Švab, 2020

Abstract: This article deals with the characteristics of family life in the context of late-modern social changes, and presents various challenges that families are consequently facing in everyday life (among others, the division of family labour and the reconciliation of family and work). The author addresses these issues with a special emphasis on Slovenia, taking into account the specificities of the country. The main characteristics of military families are also presented. The author argues that research into military families should take into account the specific relationship between the military organization and the family, as well as the social circumstances that have shaped family life significantly in recent decades.
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Summary of found: ...these issues with a special emphasis on Slovenia, taking into account the specificities of the...
Keywords: families, late modernity, parenting, military families, Slovenia
Published: 17.06.2020; Views: 4717; Downloads: 15
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Military families in Estonia, Slovenia and Sweden
Kairi Kasearu, Ann-Margreth E. Olsson, Andres Siplane, Janja Vuga Beršnak, 2020

Abstract: The concept %military family% is very well known in the international academic sphere, but is not a widely used term in many countries. The aim of this article is to elaborate the concept of the military family and the situation of these families in Estonia, Slovenia and Sweden. The similarities and differences between these three countries are highlighted by showing how the cultural, social and military context may influence and shape the recognition of military families, services and support provision.
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Keywords: military family, services and social support, Estonia, Sweden, Slovenia
Published: 17.06.2020; Views: 5048; Downloads: 10
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EU-NATO cooperation and the Slovenian presidency of the Council of the European Union
Marko Mahnič, 2021

Abstract: The aim of this article is to entice the reader to consider whether the obstacles in the way of cohesion between the European Union%s common security and defence efforts and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Organization are truly of a technical nature, or whether there are differences on other levels, in the politics, bilateral relations and national ambitions of certain members of the same organization? Whatever the case may be, the question before us is whether Slovenia can contribute to surmounting any of these obstacles during its six-month presidency of the Council of the European Union, starting on 1st July.
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Summary of found: ...be, the question before us is whether Slovenia can contribute to surmounting any of these...
Keywords: EU, NATO, Slovenia, presidency of the Council of the EU
Published: 10.08.2021; Views: 3017; Downloads: 6
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The process of devising The Military Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia
David Humar, Nina Raduha, 2021

Abstract: The article presents the process of developing the Military Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia within the Slovenian Armed Forces, with the aim of building historical memory, and in the strengthening belief that defence and security are a continual process that cannot be subjected to everyday political mood, but must be a wellplanned process, departmentally coordinated at all levels, which is finally written into a strategy. NATO and the EU are intensively adopting new defence and military strategies, followed by the Republic of Slovenia with its first proposal of a Military Strategy. A key role in writing the proposed strategy was played by the process within the Slovenian Armed Forces, which ensured the strengthening and systematization of military thought, the synchronization of its understanding, and harmonization with defence-military documents.
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Keywords: military strategy, process of drafting military strategy, Military Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia
Published: 10.08.2021; Views: 3621; Downloads: 22
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Geostrategic perspectives of Slovenia in a changing world
Uroš Tovornik, 2022

Abstract: The article focuses on Slovenia’s geostrategic foundations, and defines its geostrategic paradigm and perspectives. It pays particular attention to identifying the country’s geopolitical core and its underlining elements in order to discern the key influencing factors that could have an impact on its geostrategic position. The main argument is underpinned by using Mackinder´s Heartland and Spykman´s Rimland geopolitical theories. To reinforce it, the author also refers to Friedrich Ratzel’s Organic geopolitical theory, and the work of Saul Cohen, Rudolf Kjellén and Karl Haushofer. The article concludes with possible geostrategic options for Slovenia in the context of an ever-changing world.
Found in: ključnih besedah
Keywords: geopolitics, Slovenia, geostrategy, Adriatic, heartland, rimland
Published: 11.10.2022; Views: 2264; Downloads: 46
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