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Terminološka zmeda pri zagotavljanju varnosti v kibernetskem prostoru
Damjan Štrucl, 2020

Abstract: Terminologija je temeljna za razumevanje in obravnavanje neke tematike, še posebej, če ta tematika vpliva na reševanje varnostnih vprašanj v sodobnem varnostnem okolju, ki ni omejeno le na fizične meje in posamične države. Svet je s kibernetskim prostorom in informacijskim okoljem postal soodvisen ter medsebojno povezan s pomočjo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, zato so se pojavili novi termini, ki jih posamezniki, strokovna javnost, države in mednarodna skupnost razumejo drugače in se posledično tudi različno odzivajo, kar vpliva na varnost vseh sodelujočih. V prispevku želimo prikazati, da urejanje varnosti v kibernetskem prostoru brez enotne in strokovne terminologije ni dovolj, še posebej, če upoštevamo definicijo kibernetske varnosti.
Found in: osebi
Keywords: terminologija, zaščita informacij, informacijska varnost, kibernetska varnost, kibernetska obramba
Published: 28.10.2020; Views: 4340; Downloads: 46
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The EU-NATO partnership and ensuring information security and cybersecurity
Damjan Štrucl, 2021

Abstract: The EU and NATO are important political and security organizations in a global environment. The development of ICT and the new challenges of the contemporary security environment have led to the signing of a joint EU-NATO declaration. Both organizations are aware of their roles, and of the importance of working together to ensure security, especially as security challenges, risks, and threats are intertwined with both virtual and physical space. With this paper, we wish to analyze the EU-NATO strategic partnership in ensuring security and defence in the contemporary security environment, based on a joint statement from 2016.
Found in: osebi
Keywords: NATO-EU cooperation, security environment, information environment, cybersecurity, cyberspace
Published: 10.08.2021; Views: 3272; Downloads: 11
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Russian aggression on Ukraine
Damjan Štrucl, 2022

Abstract: The contemporary security environment is global, dynamic, and unpredictable, particularly in terms of providing cyber security and cyber defence. Numerous analyzes of Russian hybrid operations have shown that the Russian Federation is conducting a number of cyber operations to achieve its politically strategic goals. Despite such debates, the Russo-Ukrainian war represents a new turning point in the global security environment, as many non-state actors have become involved in the conflict and cyberspace has become a tool for implementing sanctions. Thus, the article aims to analyze the implementation of cyber operations of the Russian Federation as observed in the case of its military aggression against Ukraine and the potential global impact of cyberspace in armed conflict for the future.
Found in: osebi
Keywords: cyberspace, hybrid operations, information operations, cyber operations, cyber attacks, Russian Federation, Ukraine
Published: 08.07.2022; Views: 3287; Downloads: 38
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