MoD Library and Information System

Digitalna knjižnica

The digital library of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia (DKMORS) is a website that provides access to MoD materials. Access is public and possible from any web browser. The majority of the site consists of usual web pages, while some pages offer functionalities specific to digital libraries, such as browsing and searching the catalogue of materials. Such pages have built-in instructions that are accessible via the “?” icon in the upper right part of the page, in the line containing the page title (picture below). Instructions are linked to the page on which you click the icon, i.e. the browser page offers browsing instructions, the search page offers search instructions etc. The icon can only be found on certain pages.

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After clicking on the icon, instructions will open in a pop-up window which may be blocked by some browsers. If, after clicking, the window does not appear, please check your browser settings and allow pop-up windows to open in the MoD digital library website.

Next to the icon for access to instructions you will notice the A- and A+ signs which enable the resizing of text on the website.

Homepage and RSS

The homepage of the MoD digital library (DKMORS) includes several recent news items and newly published materials. Both can be monitored with the help of the RSS which is accessible via the RSS icon . To read the RSS feeds, you will need an RSS reader. The reading of RSS feeds is supported by the majority of newer browsers (independently or through plug-ins) and email clients. You can use any reader; for instructions, turn to official websites or the built-in help of the selected reader.