Page 88 - Cyber Terrorism and Extremism as Threat to Critical Infrastructure Protection
P. 88


        The Ministry of Justice prepares and develops legislation in the field of justice, and coordi-
        nates and develops international judicial cooperation in criminal matters.

        The Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) develops and strengthens the cyber
        security of communications and information systems for the MKSF/KSF, systems which are
        used for performing tasks in accordance with the constitutional mission. The KSF may be
        engaged in support of civil authorities in the protection of data and critical infrastructure in
        the event of a crisis in the country.

        The Ministry of Economic Development ensures quality of service and technical standards
        in the field of telecommunications; develops policies to promote competition in the field of
        telecommunications; examines the needs and requirements of customers in telecommunica-
        tions; supports information technology and innovations; supports access to technology for
        all citizens of Kosovo; and encourages the development of training systems for information

        The Ministry of Finance, through the Customs, the Financial Intelligence Unit and the Tax
        Administration, helps in strengthening cyber security and in preventing and combating cy-

        The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology plays an important role in prevention
        and awareness raising through the development of curricula, the organization of awareness-
        raising activities for the use of the internet, and extracurricular activities.

        The Ministry of European Integration makes sure that the legal framework and policies of
        the Government of the Republic of Kosovo are in accordance with the legislation and poli-
        cies of the EU.

        The  Regulatory Authority  of Electronic  and  Postal  Communications  is a regulatory  body
        which implements and monitors the regulatory framework defined by the law on electronic
        communications, the law on postal services, and the development policies in the field of elec-
        tronic communications and postal services.

        The Agency for an Information Society (AIS) coordinates, manages and monitors the pro-
        cesses and mechanisms of electronic governance in relation to ICT infrastructure, the expan-
        sion of internet services and content websites in the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo,
        and the accumulation, management, dissemination and storage of data, through the creation
        of the national electronic data centre and by providing safety and protection of electronic
        communications infrastructure and data. The AIS, as appropriate, helps relevant institutions
        in combating cybercrime and ensures the protection of personal data in electronic form, in
        accordance with the legislation in force.

        The National Agency for the Protection of Personal Data ensures that controllers comply with
        their obligations on the protection of personal data, and that data subjects are informed about
        their rights and obligations in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.
        It also provides advice to the Assembly of Kosovo, the Government, local authorities and all
        holders of public authority in Kosovo with regard to issues on the protection of personal data,
        as well as advising all private institutions concerning the protection of personal data.

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