Page 87 - Cyber Terrorism and Extremism as Threat to Critical Infrastructure Protection
P. 87


            The government of Kosovo has taken positive steps in building institutional mechanisms
            against terrorism, including cyber terrorism. According to the Kosovo National Cyber Secu-
            rity Strategy, below are the institutional mechanisms related to the role and coordination of
            activities of the main stakeholders that have a role in cyber security in Kosovo.

            The National Cyber Security Coordinator is the Minister of Internal Affairs or his authorized
            representative, who is responsible and mandated to coordinate, guide, monitor and report on
            the implementation of policies, activities and actions in connection with the National Cyber
            Security Strategy.

            The Secretariat is a body established with the function of collecting information and data from
            other institutions, analysing and assessing the gathered information, and developing analyti-
            cal reports for the National Coordinator and the National Cyber Security Council. In addition,
            the Secretariat disseminates timely information to all appropriate stakeholders, supporting the
            National Action Plan for Cyber Security.

            The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) has a functional role in achieving the objectives set
            out in this strategy. The Kosovo police, as the law enforcement agency within the MIA, have
            full authority in combating all forms of cybercrime. The MIA takes the leading role in coor-
            dinating the strategy, monitoring the implementation of the Action Plan, and drafting periodic
            reports. The MIA is also responsible for the formulation and monitoring of policies and legis-
            lation in the field of general security and cyber security. The Kosovo Police have the main re-
            sponsibility for combating all forms of cybercrime, through the Department for Cyber Crime
            and other supporting structures within the Kosovo police force. The Kosovo police also serve
            as the point of contact, 24/7, for international cooperation in the field of cybercrime.

            The Kosovo Judicial Council ensures that the Kosovo courts are independent, professional
            and impartial, in order for the judicial system to be more efficient in the fight against cy-

            The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council ensures that the prosecution system in Kosovo is inde-
            pendent, impartial and professional in exercising the pursuit, investigation and detection of
            cybercrime offences, and represents indictments before courts on behalf of the state. The
            Prosecution Service and the courts are the institutions responsible for prosecuting perpetrators
            and their appropriate punishment, and the confiscation of property and assets gained through
            criminal activities.

            The Kosovo Security Council Secretariat, as an integral part of the Security Council of Koso-
            vo, prepares periodic reports and analysis for the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and
            the Security Council of Kosovo dealing with political issues of security, and provides assis-
            tance in drafting security policies in Kosovo, including capacity building, policy and research
            instruments, and providing administrative and functional support for the Security Council of

            The Kosovo Intelligence Agency identifies threats endangering security in Kosovo. These
            threats are considered to be those relating to territorial integrity, institutional integrity, con-
            stitutional order, stability, and economic development, as well as global security threats
            against Kosovo.

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