Page 189 - Cyber Terrorism and Extremism as Threat to Critical Infrastructure Protection
P. 189

Summary of Contents

            Section I:  Extremism, Radicalization and Cyber

                           Threats as an Important Security Factors

                           for Countering Terrorism Processes

            Re-assessing Online Jihadi Extremism: Reasoning for a
            Marketing Approach to Counter-Radicalization

            Paul Lieber

            While there is increased recognition of the potency of online communication for the prolifera-
            tion of jihadi violent extremism across Europe, existing approaches are falling woefully short.
            Specifically, these approaches are wedded to particular paradigms and assessments that inher-
            ently favour data organization over audience understanding. As a result, the vast majority
            of resources expended towards addressing European jihadi violent extremism see increased
            spending, but little impact. This chapter details the strengths and weaknesses of current ap-
            proaches, while offering three alternatives to reasoning about this problem, nested in market-
            ing research.

            Extremism and Radicalization in the European
            Environment – Security Challenges of Return Foreign

            Denis Čaleta, Sara Perković

            This analysis will consider whether foreign fighters pose a real danger to European security,
            knowing that the potential threat is always possible. The threat posed by returning foreign
            fighters should not be underestimated. Terrorist attacks carried out by returning foreign fight-
            ers in different European countries are proof of that. We have researched the attacks that
            have been carried out by returning foreign fighters, and in this chapter we try to analyse the
            challenges that European security policymakers face in order to deal with extremism and
            the radicalism processes connected to returning foreign fighters. We consider how Germany,

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