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Title:Pastorala v Slovenski vojski : diplomska naloga
Authors:Anzeljc, Petra (Author)
Kvaternik, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Vojaški vikariat in njegovi projekti so v domeni Slovenske vojske. V Vojaškem vikariatu delujejo vojaški vikar, namestnik vikarja za Katoliško cerkev, namestnica vikarja za Evangeličansko cerkev, vojaški kaplani, pastoralni asistenti in administrativni referent. Delo Vojaškega vikariata temelji na zgodovinskih izkušnjah in bogati tradiciji, pridobljeni skozi leta slovenske zgodovine. Leta 2000 je bil podpisan prvi sporazum, ki je temelj za redno delo Vojaškega vikariata danes. Na podlagi Ustave Republike Slovenije in mednarodno sprejetih deklaracij o temeljnih človekovih pravicah sta bila podpisana sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Slovensko škofovsko konferenco za Katoliško cerkev ter z Evangeličansko cerkvijo. Sprejeta je bila odločitev, da je treba človeku vojaku nuditi oporo na vseh področjih njegovega življenja. Pripadniki Vojaškega vikariata delujejo v sklopu celostne oskrbe Slovenske vojske. S svojo navzočnostjo skrbijo za redno zagotavljanje duhovne oskrbe med pripadniki Slovenske vojske ter njihovimi družinskimi člani. Pripravljajo pripadnike na zakramente, delijo zakramente in izvajajo predavanja, s katerimi sodelujejo pri usposabljanjih vojakov za mirovne misije, vojaške vaje in multinacionalne enote. Obiskujejo pripadnike na teh terenskih usposabljanjih in mirovnih operacijah ter so jim na razpolago za pogovor, svetovanje in pomoč v stiski. Hkrati pastoralni delavci organizirajo eno- ali večdnevna srečanja za pripadnike, tečaje meditacije, srečanja parov in družin ter tabore za otroke pripadnikov Slovenske vojske. Ti projekti se vršijo predvsem v mirnodobnem času, saj sta tudi takrat pomembna duhovna oskrba in duhovni razvoj pripadnikov Slovenske vojske. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz kratkega povzetka zgodovine in temeljev, na katerih sloni današnja oblika vojaške pastoralne službe, nato pa so skozi anketno raziskavo in intervjuje z vojaškimi delavci predstavljeni praktični vidiki delovanja vojaške pastoralne službe. Opisan je tudi projekt družinskega vikenda, ki je bil izveden v sklopu vojaške pastorale, in tako je prikazan praktičen pogled na resnično delovanje vojaške pastorale v Slovenski vojski. Vodilo Vojaškega vikariata je %Deo et patriae fidelis%, kar pomeni Zvest Bogu in domovini. Pripadniki Vojaškega vikariata so usposobljeni, da živijo in delujejo med vojaki in za njih, saj jih vodi načelo: %Le človek, ki se kot oseba lahko v celoti uresniči, je tudi dober vojak.% Da je človek v celoti uresničen, pa se mora uresničevati tudi v svoji duhovnosti in to je poslanstvo pastoralne službe v Slovenski vojski, namreč da človeku nudi to uresničitev. Vojak ima v sklopu svoje službe velike odgovornosti in temu primerne so tudi njegove skrbi in stresno okolje, v katerem živi. Pastoralni delavci s svojimi projekti in spremljanjem stopajo na pomoč vojaškemu uslužbencu in mu kažejo pot človeškosti na poti trpljenja in tesnobe.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, pastorala, pastoralna teologija, pastoralno delo, vojaška pastorala, diplomske naloge
Year of publishing:2010
Publisher:[P. Anzeljc]
COBISS_ID:5272410 Link is opened in a new window
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Abstract:Military Vicariate and its projects are in the domain of the Slovenian Armed Forces. In the Military Vicariate operates military vicar, deputy vicar for the Catholic Church, Assistant Vicar for the Evangelical Church, military chaplains, pastoral assistants and an administrative clerk. The work of the Military Vicariate is based on historical experience and rich tradition, obtained through years of Slovenian history. In 2000 the first agreement was signed, which is the basis for regular work of the Military Vicariate today. On the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia and internationally accepted Declaration of human rights the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Bishops' Conference of the Catholic Church and the Evangelical Church were signed. It was decided that support needs to be given on every domain of soldiers life. Members of the Military Vicariate are operating under the Integrated Care of the Slovenian Army. They ensure the regular provision of spiritual care with their presence among members of the Slovenian Armed Forces and their families. They prepare members for the Holy sacraments, confer the Holy sacraments and implement courses with which they participate in training soldiers for peacekeeping missions, military training and multinational units. They visit officers at the field training exercises, peacekeeping operations and are always available for discussion, advice or assistance in distress. At the same time pastoral workers organize one or more days of meetings for members, meditation courses, meetings for couples and families and summer and winter camps for children of members of the Slovenian Armed Forces. These projects are made primarily in peaceful time, as even in this time the spiritual care and spiritual development of the Slovenian army is important. The thesis of this Study is drawn from the brief history and the foundations that are underpinning the current form of Military pastoral service, then, through survey research and interviews with military professionals, presents the practical aspects of Pastoral military service. I also described the project of family weekend, which was carried out as one of military pastoral projects and it shows a practical implementation of Military pastoral in the Slovenian Army. The principle of the Military vicariate is "Deo et patriae Fidelis," meaning Faithful to God and the country. Members of the Military vicariate are trained to live and work among the soldiers and for them, because they are guided by the principle: "Only a man, who can be fully realized as a person, is also a good soldier." The man that wants to be fully realized must also be exercised in its spirituality and this is the mission of pastoral service in the Slovenian Armed Forces, namely, that it offers this realization to all members of Slovenian Armed Forces. A soldier%s job is of great responsibility so special concerns and stressful environment becomes his everyday life. Pastoral workers come to rescue with their projects and support and show the members of Slovenian Armed Forces the path of humanity on the path of suffering and anxiety.


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