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Title:Izgradnja logističnega kadra za danes, jutri in prihodnje v uspešni vojaški organizaciji : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
Authors:Nahberger, Dragica (Author)
Tomažič, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:V zaključni nalogi je skozi teoretični in raziskovalni del predstavljena izgradnja logističnega kadra za danes jutri in prihodnje v uspešni vojaški organizaciji. V prvem delu teorije smo predstavili pojem vojaške logistike, njene naloge in izvajalce nalog. Posebno pozornost teoretičnega dela naloge smo namenili trenutnemu stanju logističnega kadra, njegovemu usposabljanju in načinu upravljanja z njim. Drugi del teoretične obravnave zaključne naloge smo razvijali skozi raziskavo različnih virov in ugotovili, da je trenutno stanje kadra zaradi povečanega števila odhodov iz sistema logistike in s tem iz 670. Logističnega polka (v nadaljevanju 670. LOGP) zelo zaskrbljujoče. Če se bo trend nadaljeval, ne bo več koga usposabljati. Kader s katerim trenutno opravljamo logistične naloge, usposabljamo na podlagi vojaške evidenčne dolžnosti (v nadaljevanju VED) in licenc. Ta usposabljanja predstavljajo temeljna znanja za delo v logistiki. Ker želimo visoko usposobljen logistični kader, že usvojena znanja dopolnjujemo z dodatnimi dopolnilnimi tečaji, katere načrtujemo in realiziramo skozi letni načrt dela enote. Žal nam sledenje ne uspeva najbolje, saj težko usklajujemo naloge s trenutno razpoložljivim kadrom, ki pa je že preobremenjen tako z rednimi, kakor tudi številnimi izrednimi nalogami. Iz navedenega izberemo le tečaje, ki so nujni in potrebni za izvajanje poslanstva enote. To pa ne pomeni, da pripadniki nimajo interesa po novih znanjih. Nasprotno, s svojimi videnji po izboljšavah delovnih pogojev, pogosto sodelujejo pri oblikovanju nabora tečajev. Veliko se poslužujejo tudi učenja iz izkušenj od svojih poklicnih kolegov, s katerimi se srečujejo pri opravljanju raznih logističnih nalog na mednarodni ravni tako doma, kot v tujini. Podajanje pobud za usposabljanje so torej rezultat dobrih medsebojnih odnosov na relaciji nadrejeni-podrejeni, in so eden pomembnejših dejavnikov načina upravljanja z logističnim kadrom, da ga lahko %zadržimo% v polku. K tej ugotovitvi velja dodati še: - izgradnja smiselnega razvoja kariernih poti logističnega kadra; - ureditev plačila v smislu dviga plačnih razredov in dodatkov; - sprememba naziva delovnih mest iz eno v več nazivna delovna mesta; - povečati promocijo vojaških logističnih poklicev z uvajanjem privlačnejših bonitet.
Keywords:vojaška logistika, usposabljanje logističnega kadra, upravljanje logističnega kadra
Year of publishing:2021
Publisher:[D. Nahberger]
COBISS_ID:74328579 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Nahberger_Dragica_i2021.pdf (1,97 MB)
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Abstract:In the final thesis, through the theoretical and research part is presented the creation of logistics personnel for today, tomorrow and the future in a successful military organization. In the first, the theoretical part, we presented the concept of military logistics, its tasks and performers. We paid special attention to the theoretical part of the thesis on the current state of logistics staff, their training and the way they are managed. The second part of the theoretical discussion of the final thesis was developed through a study of various sources and found that the current staff situation due to the increased number of departures from the system of logistics and thus from the 670th Logistics Regiment (670th LOGP) is very disturbing. If the trend continues, there will be no one left to train. The personnel with whom we currently perform logistical tasks are trained on the basis of military verified duties (VED) and licenses. These trainings represent the basic skills for functioning in the logistics. Because we want highly qualified logistics staff, we supplement the already acquired knowledge with additional supplementary courses, which we plan and implement through the annual work plan of the unit. Unfortunately, tracking does not work best for us, as it is difficult to coordinate tasks with the currently available staff, which is already overloaded with both regular and many extraordinary tasks. From the above, we select only the courses that are necessary and essential for the implementation of the mission of the unit. This does not mean, however, that members have no interest in new knowledge. On the contrary, with their visions of improvements in working conditions, they often participate in the design of a set of courses. They also make a lot of use of lessons learned from their professional colleagues, whom they encounter in performing various logistics tasks at the international level both at home and abroad. Initiating training initiatives is therefore the result of good interpersonal-subordinate relations and is one of the most important factors in the way logistics personnel are managed so that they can be "retained" in the regiment. To this finding should be added: - building a meaningful development of career paths for logistics staff; - payment arrangements in terms of raising salary grades and allowances; - change of job title from one to several job titles; - increase the promotion of military logistics professions by introducing more attractive bonuses.
Keywords:military logistics, logistics personnel training, logistics personnel management


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