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Putin's dilemma: Russia and the Slavic dimension of Nato enlargement
Andrej Benedejčič, 2024

Opis: The potential weaponization of Slavdom is a poorly researched topic in the literature on hybrid warfare, despite the Slavic dimension of NATO after several rounds of enlargement. Part of the reason is the traditionally reserved attitude of Russian authorities to the Slavic idea, which runs counter to the idealized supranational character of Russia and can incite domestic ethnic populism. Even though Moscow has not used this instrument so far, the historical record shows that it could do so at a later stage if its very existence is at stake. The instrumentalization of Slavic identity therefore requires attention, not only as an impending threat, but also as a potential catalyst for change on the Russian side.
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Ključne besede: hybrid warfare, Slavdom, Nato enlargement
Objavljeno: 18.04.2024; Ogledov: 1357; Prenosov: 8
.pdf Polno besedilo (563,90 KB)

World champions in training
Anna M. Gielas, 2024

Opis: Incidents of far-right extremism in the German Kommando Spezialkräfte Heer (KSK) have captured international headlines for years. The public outcry in Germany and the demand for change offered an opportunity to restructure not only the KSK but all German Military Special Operations Forces (GERSOF). This article contends that a substantial overhaul is necessary due to the numerous challenges that GERSOF face, but that momentum was lost due to the relations between the German government and key stakeholders, including the media. Informed by the Actor-Network Theory, the article explores these intricate relations, illustrating why the government squandered the opportunities to strengthen GERSOF as an element of national security and to reaffirm its commitment to its allies.
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Povzetek najdenega: ...Forces, Kommando Spezialkräfte Heer, Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine, NATO Special Operations Forces...
Ključne besede: German Special Operations Forces, Kommando Spezialkräfte Heer, Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine, NATO Special Operations Forces
Objavljeno: 26.11.2024; Ogledov: 339; Prenosov: 5
.pdf Polno besedilo (459,40 KB)

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