1. Modelling and simulation to address NATOS's new and existing military requirements [Elektronski vir] : Le rôle de la modélisation et de la simulation dans la prise en compte des besoins militaires nouveaux et existants de l'OTANNATO RTO Modelling and Simulation Conference, Anton Kerin, Treaty Organization North Atlantic, 2004 Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Povzetek najdenega: ...Military policy, Congresses, Command and control systems, Simulation methods,... Ključne besede: Military policy, Congresses, Command and control systems, Simulation methods, Congresses, vojska, vojaška politika, kontrolni sistemi, NATO Objavljeno: 11.11.2011; Ogledov: 9719; Prenosov: 154
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2. Človeški dejavnik v vojaškem sistemu : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih opravljenega raziskovalnega dela na projektu v okviru ciljnega raziskovalnega programa (CRP) Ljubica Jelušič, 2006 Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Povzetek najdenega: ...Slovenska vojska, Slovenian Army, Vojaško osebje, Military personnel, Družbena omrežja, Social networks, Družina, Family,... ...Družina, Family, Zasebnost, Privacy, Zaposlovalna politika, Employment policy, Slovenska vojska, družine... Ključne besede: Slovenska vojska, Slovenian Army, Vojaško osebje, Military personnel, Družbena omrežja, Social networks, Družina, Family, Zasebnost, Privacy, Zaposlovalna politika, Employment policy, Slovenska vojska, družine Objavljeno: 11.11.2011; Ogledov: 11608; Prenosov: 56
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3. European security and defenceDick Zandee, 2021 Opis: This article presents the gap between what has already been agreed and planned in the field of the European Unionʼs Common Security and Defence Policy in the past, and what we have actually achieved. We focus on the EUʼs strategic autonomy and the credibility of European military forces. The process of creating the Strategic Compass is an opportunity to rethink Europeʼs security future, to unify the positions of the Member States, and to increase realism in bridging the gap between rhetoric and action. For greater strategic autonomy and the credibility of the military, we propose improvements in eight actions. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Povzetek najdenega: ...strategic autonomy and the credibility of European military forces. The process of creating the Strategic... ...the European Unionʼs Common Security and Defence Policy in the past, and what we have... Ključne besede: EU common security and defence policy, Strategic compass, European military forces Objavljeno: 18.10.2021; Ogledov: 3940; Prenosov: 23
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