1. Koncept psihološke obrambe in krizno komuniciranje : vmesno vsebinsko poročiloErik Kopač, Klemen Grošelj, Iztok Prezelj, Uroš Svete, Sandra Bašić-Hrvatin, Marko Polič, Marjan Malešič, 2005 Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Povzetek najdenega: ...Krizno upravljanje, Crisis management, Komuniciranje, Communication, Obramba, Defence, Psihološki vidik, Psychological aspects, Strategija, Strategy, Modeli,... Ključne besede: Krizno upravljanje, Crisis management, Komuniciranje, Communication, Obramba, Defence, Psihološki vidik, Psychological aspects, Strategija, Strategy, Modeli, Models, Javnost, Public Objavljeno: 11.11.2011; Ogledov: 11161; Prenosov: 228
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2. Taktične podatkovne povezave in sredstva v sistemu PINK zračne komponente : zaključna nalogaTina Jerina, 2010 Opis: Predmet preučevanja zaključne naloge so taktične podatkovne povezave (TADIL) in sredstva v sistemu poveljevanja in kontrole (PINK) zračne komponente, ki se uporabljajo v Slovenski vojski(SV) in drugih Natovih članicah ter so ključne za prenos podatkov oziroma informacij med različnimi enotami združenih operacij. V sistemu PINK zračne komponente je velika hitrost spreminjanja podatkov in velika razdalja med enotami, zaradi česar je potrebno imeti zmogljive taktične podatkovne povezave oziroma linke, pri katerih je poleg hitrosti in količine informacij pomembna tudi zaščita posredovanih oziroma izmenjanih informacij in odpornost na ukrepe elektronskega bojevanja ter njihov nedvoumni pomen. Za uspešnost združenih operacij je zelo pomembna medsebojna povezljivost orodij in sistemov PINK, čemur se mora prilagajati tudi SV, ki je del Nata in tako delno odgovorna za skupni nadzor zračnega prostora ter zračno obrambo članic Zavezništva. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Ključne besede: taktični podatkovni linki, sistem zračnega PINK, Link 1, Link 11, Link 16, ATDL, zračna obramba, tactical data links, C2 air system, Link 1, Link 11, Link 16, ATDL, air defence Objavljeno: 12.04.2012; Ogledov: 9133; Prenosov: 151
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3. Defence initiatives to strengthen the security of the European UnionGregor Garb, 2021 Opis: Following the mission of the European Union Global Strategy (EUGS), and with the aim of achieving strategic defence autonomy, the EU Member States unanimously adopted and implemented various initiatives to strengthen the development of the EU%s capabilities: CARD, PESCO and the EDF. By achieving strategic defence autonomy as a priority, the EU will become a respectable global power and, as such, it will no longer be one that depends solely on great powers to provide for its level of ambition. In this way, the EU will also harden its traditional soft power to protect its strategic interests. Nevertheless, cooperation between the EU and NATO will remain essential and is crucial for European and global security. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Ključne besede: EU GS, defence initiatives, CARD, PESCO, EDF, EU-NATO cooperation. Objavljeno: 10.08.2021; Ogledov: 3579; Prenosov: 15
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4. European security and defenceDick Zandee, 2021 Opis: This article presents the gap between what has already been agreed and planned in the field of the European Unionʼs Common Security and Defence Policy in the past, and what we have actually achieved. We focus on the EUʼs strategic autonomy and the credibility of European military forces. The process of creating the Strategic Compass is an opportunity to rethink Europeʼs security future, to unify the positions of the Member States, and to increase realism in bridging the gap between rhetoric and action. For greater strategic autonomy and the credibility of the military, we propose improvements in eight actions. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Ključne besede: EU common security and defence policy, Strategic compass, European military forces Objavljeno: 18.10.2021; Ogledov: 3924; Prenosov: 23
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5. The communitarization of the European Unionʼs defence policyKatarina Vatovec, 2021 Opis: This paper argues that incremental steps, beginning with the institutional set-up framed by the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, through the adoption of the EU Global Strategy in 2016, to recent policy initiatives, endorsed mechanisms and their implementation in the field of defence, are paving the way towards its communitarization. The political will of Member States could be gradually generated through experience, through a number of policy initiatives and their successful implementation, and through the awareness of the contemporary geopolitical changes with traditional and new security threats. The process of communitarization is dependent on the Member Statesʼ political will, and could eventually lead towards building a European Defence Union. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Ključne besede: defence policy, European Union, communitarization Objavljeno: 19.10.2021; Ogledov: 3898; Prenosov: 33
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6. The public’s perception of the Territorial Defence Forces in PolandMałgorzata Zielińska, Joanna Łatacz, Joanna Zauer, 2021 Opis: The functioning and activities of the Territorial Defence Forces and the behaviour of its soldiers are among the many interests of the Military Office of Social Research in the Military Centre for Civic Education, which conducts social research in the military environment. Poles were asked if they believed that the tasks of this new formation should primarily be assistance in actions to combat the effects of natural and other disasters, defence of local people and infrastructure, or other military operations. The Territorial Defence Forces engaged in the fight against the consequences of the pandemic in Poland. The main goal of this article is to present the major Polish research dedicated to the Polish Territorial Defence Forces. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Ključne besede: Territorial Defence Forces, social research, social perception, SARS-CoV 2, crisis management Objavljeno: 07.12.2021; Ogledov: 3838; Prenosov: 56
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7. Violent acts against healthcare institutions and workers in HungaryGabriella Ráczkevy-Deák, 2021 Opis: The present cross-sectional quantitative research aims to gain a sense of which form of violence is the most common in Hungarian healthcare institutions. It aims to assess whether communication, simulation, and self-defence training is provided in institutions, to find out whether workers would participate in such training, and to assess the relationship between training (communication, simulation, self-defence) and confidence. Healthcare workers are affected by most acts of violence coming from patients. The most common type of aggression on the part of patients and relatives is verbal aggression, including teasing, verbal abuse, and threats of abuse. The data show that communication training alone is not enough to make health workers confident. They should have a tool in their hands, e.g., practice after selfdefence education, simulation practice, as this makes it easier for the employee to communicate. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Povzetek najdenega: ...aims to assess whether communication, simulation, and self- defence training is provided in institutions, to find... Ključne besede: aggression, healthcare, prevention, training, self-defence, confidence Objavljeno: 07.12.2021; Ogledov: 3619; Prenosov: 50
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8. EditorialJacob Galbreath, 2022 Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Povzetek najdenega: ...armed forces, defence politics, cyberspace, cyber operations, security chalenges... Ključne besede: armed forces, defence politics, cyberspace, cyber operations, security chalenges Objavljeno: 11.07.2022; Ogledov: 3678; Prenosov: 35
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9. Military burden-sharing within the allianceŠpela Boc, 2022 Opis: Fair burden-sharing within the Alliance has always been a divisive issue and disagreements between the allies over this problem have been regular occurrences. The paper presents various ways in which the allies approach burden-sharing in NATO, stressing the differences between »input« and »output« measures, and the fact that it is very difficult to establish an appropriate formula and method for fair burden-sharing between the states. Too much emphasis is still being placed on »investment parameters« or input measures, while other forms of contributions by allies are not given enough weight. The paper focuses on the presentation of national military contributions as output. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Povzetek najdenega: ...Alliance, collective defence, burden-sharing, international missions and operations, military contribution... Ključne besede: Alliance, collective defence, burden-sharing, international missions and operations, military contribution Objavljeno: 28.12.2022; Ogledov: 2120; Prenosov: 20
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10. 20 years of the Republic of Slovenia in Nato: some impressions about a tiny part and the wholeIgor Kotnik-Dvojmoč, 2024 Opis: Smart states, through alliances, synergistically enhance the capacity, readiness, responsiveness, resilience, sustainability and interoperability of their instruments of national power. NATO is constantly continually responding in a multidimensional way to changing security threats and operational circumstances, including by updating and upgrading concepts, plans and measures. The Alliance is also an opportunity for self-reflection; not to judge in retrospect, but to prevent mistakes in the future. We need to discuss honestly why we might be elsewhere, as had been desired and planned, but at the same time, despite our small size, we could be more courageous in pursuing different and original solutions. Najdeno v: ključnih besedah Povzetek najdenega: ...instruments of national power, small states, defence capabilities, military build-up... Ključne besede: instruments of national power, small states, defence capabilities, military build-up Objavljeno: 18.04.2024; Ogledov: 1367; Prenosov: 15
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