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* old and bolonia study programme

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Globalni trg delovne sile : delovanje podčastnika SV v mednarodnem okolju
Andrej Vrviščar, 2011

Abstract: Zaključna naloga obravnava problematiko današnjega sodobnega globalnega sveta in s tem povezano delovanje podčastnika Slovenske vojske v mednarodnem okolju.Izraz sodobni globalni svet združuje številne tehnološke, gospodarske in kulturne-družbene spremembe, ki danes krojijo tako svet globalnega trga delovne sile kot tudi vsakdanje življenje posameznika in globalno varnost v svetu. V osrednjem delu naloge sem predstavil kako globalizacija in globalni trg delovne sile vplivata na spremembe Slovenske vojske kot organizacije ter kaj to pomeni za posameznika, ki mora zadostiti novim pogojem dela, vse bolj kompleksnim in zahtevnim usposabljanjem ter pripravam za delovanje v tujini. Tukaj sem se osredotočil predvsem na podčastnika kot hrbtenico Slovenske vojske in njegov vse večji doprinos k uspešnosti in večanju njenega ugleda doma in v tujini.
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Summary of found: ...market, Slovenian Armed Forces, multinational operations, multinational missions, non-comissioned officer...
Keywords: sodobni svet, globalizacija, globalni trg delovne sile, Slovenska vojska, mednarodne operacije, mednarodne misije, podčastnik, modern world, globalization, global work market, Slovenian Armed Forces, multinational operations, multinational missions, non-comissioned officer
Published: 25.04.2012; Views: 10809; Downloads: 164
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Missions and operations as a tool for shaping the EUʼs global engagement
Aleksandra Kozioł, 2021

Abstract: The European Union is an international actor which makes a contribution to increasing the level of security in the world. It is currently carrying out 11 civilian and 6 military missions and operations, deploying approximately 5,000 personnel. Although over the years it has adapted its mechanisms and instruments based on learning by doing, in recent times, deepened by the pandemic crisis, the attention of the Member States has shifted inwards. As a result, the European Union now faces a major challenge to define its security role.
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Keywords: European Union, crisis management, missions, operations, security, peace
Published: 18.10.2021; Views: 3825; Downloads: 17
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Military burden-sharing within the alliance
Špela Boc, 2022

Abstract: Fair burden-sharing within the Alliance has always been a divisive issue and disagreements between the allies over this problem have been regular occurrences. The paper presents various ways in which the allies approach burden-sharing in NATO, stressing the differences between »input« and »output« measures, and the fact that it is very difficult to establish an appropriate formula and method for fair burden-sharing between the states. Too much emphasis is still being placed on »investment parameters« or input measures, while other forms of contributions by allies are not given enough weight. The paper focuses on the presentation of national military contributions as output.
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Summary of found: ...Alliance, collective defence, burden-sharing, international missions and operations, military contribution...
Keywords: Alliance, collective defence, burden-sharing, international missions and operations, military contribution
Published: 28.12.2022; Views: 1903; Downloads: 20
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