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Title:Vloga enot vojašnice v sistemu logistične oskrbe v Slovenski vojski : zaključna naloga
Authors:Simšič, Branko (Author)
Korelc, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Enota vojašnice (EVOJ) zagotavlja prostorske in nastanitvene pogoje za življenje in delo enot, ki so nastanjene v vojašnici. Enota deluje kot samostojna enota Slovenske vojske in s podporo vseh ključnih funkcijskih področij delovanja. Je neposredno podrejena Poveljstvu za podporo, ki je enota brigadnega nivoja in predstavlja osrednjo logistično enoto Slovenske vojske. EVOJ je zadolžen za vzdrževanje in logistično podporo vojašniškega kompleksa kot celote, pri tem gre za več segmentov logistične podpore in oskrbovanja, ki pa so specifični in se razlikujejo glede na velikost vojašnice in način delovanja njene uprave. V nalogi sem opisal in predstavil vlogo EVOJ-a v sistemu logistične podpore in oskrbovanja enot, nastanjenih v vojašnici. Predstavil sem elemente posameznih segmentov oskrbe, celovitost logistične zagotovitve tako na vojašničnem nivoju kot tudi v sklopu prvonadrejene enote Poveljstva za podporo in višjih poveljstev. Osrednji poudarek v nalogi je namenjen oskrbovanju v sodobnem vojaškem sistemu, vzporedno pa sem predstavil delovanje EVOJ-a kot samostojne vojaške enote.
Keywords:enota vojašnice (EVOJ), logistična podpora, oskrbovanje, oskrba vojašnice, razredi oskrbe
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[B. Simšič]
COBISS_ID:4681166 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Simsic_Branko_i2012.pdf (669,84 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:A Barracks Unit (BU) provides room and accomodation capabilities for the life and work of military units, stationed in the barracks. The unit functions as an independent unit of the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF), providing support for all the key areas of operation. It is under direct command of the Command Support, which is a unit on the battalion level and represents one of the central logistic unit of the SAF. BU is responsible for the maintenance and logistic support of the entire barracks complex, which comprises several different elements of logistic support and supply. Each of the elements is specific with regard to the size and management of the barracks. The paper describes and presents the role of BU in the system of logistic support and supply of the units, stationed in the barracks. I present the elements of individual segments of supply, providing of a comprehensive logistic service at the barracks level of its first superior unit of command, the unit of Command Support and higher commands. The paper focuses on supply activities in a modern military system and at the same time describes the functioning of a Barracks Unit as an independent unit.
Keywords:barracks unit (BU), logistic support, supplying, barracks supply, classess of supply


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