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Title:Vpliv sodobnega varnostnega okolja na izvedbo poslanstva misije Združenih narodov : študija primera južnega Libanona
Authors:Crnkovič, Matej (Author)
Vuk, Pavel (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Človeško družbo je skozi vso zgodovino spremljal boj za življenjskim prostorom, ozemljem, resursi in prevlado ene entitete nad drugo. Vse te težnje so posledično vplivale na varnost posameznika, družbe in celotne mednarodne skupnosti. Bližnji vzhod, predvsem pa Libanon, občuti te posledice že od konca 2. svetovne vojne. Zaradi nenehnih oboroženih spopadov, ki so bili notranje spodbujeni ali pa so bili posledica vojaških intervencij drugih držav, je Libanon postal sinonim za nasilje in večne politične razprtije. Pretresi, ki jih je zaradi vseh teh dejavnikov doživljala libanonska družba, so od mednarodne skupnosti zahtevali ukrepanje in vzpostavitev pogojev za reševanje perečih, kompleksnih problemov po mirni poti, brez uporabe sile. Mednarodna skupnost, na čelu z OZN, je že leta 1948 sprejela odločitev, da na nemirnem Bližnjem vzhodu ustanovi prvo mirovno operacijo, čeprav v ustanovni listini OZN nikjer niso bile omenjene niti v praksi razvite tovrstne mirovne operacije. Brez predhodnih izkušenj, a z velikimi pričakovanji, se je začelo novo in izredno pomembno poglavje v reševanju mednarodnih sporov pod vodstvom OZN. Zaključna naloga izpostavlja problematiko reševanja zapletenih mednarodnih odnosov in varnostno političnih okoliščin s pomočjo varnostnih mehanizmov OZN na primeru delovanja njene najstarejše še delujoče misije UNTSO OGL v južnem Libanonu. Z analiziranjem zgodovinskih in aktualnih determinant varnostnega okolja odgovarjamo na vprašanje uspešnosti in perspektive misije pri stabiliziranju varnostnih razmer v širši regiji Libanona. Eden izmed zaključkov nas je privedel do sklepa, da ima prisotnost in uspešnost izvajanja nalog misije v tej regiji dolgoročni pomen za urejevanje nakopičenih varnostnih in političnih problemov ter vzdrževanje krhkega miru. To predstavlja celotni mednarodni skupnosti, zlasti pa OZN-u še naprej velik izziv pri reševanju zapletenega varnostnega labirinta, na katerega v zadnjem času močno vpliva tudi nemirna Sirija, vključno z vrsto vpletenih strani od Irana, Izraela, Savdske Arabije, Turčije, ZDA do Ruske Federacije. Zdi se, da varnost na Bližnjem vzhodu zares pomeni le percepcijo, ki jo vsak akter na tem območju razume zelo drugače. Dokler bo tako, tudi velikega premika v smeri %rešitve problema% na podlagi opravljene raziskave ne vidimo.
Keywords:UNTSO, UNIFIL, vojaški opazovalec, Libanon, Bližnji vzhod
Year of publishing:2019
Publisher:[M. Crnkovič]
COBISS_ID:6212814 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Crnkovic_Matej_i2019.pdf (1,61 MB)
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Abstract:Throughout entire history, human society has been accompanied by a struggle for living space, territory, resources and dominance of one entity over another. All these aspirations consequently influenced on security of individuals, society and the entire international community. The Middle East, predominantly Lebanon, has felt these consequences since the end of the Second World War. Due to constant armed conflicts, either internally induced or caused by military interventions of other countries, Lebanon has become a synonym for violence and everlasting political disputes. Shocks, Lebanese society was experiencing because of all the mentioned factors, required the international community to take action and reestablish conditions for solving urgent and complex problems peacefully, without the use of force. In 1948, the International Community, led by United Nations (UN), made a decision, to establish the first peacekeeping operation in the restless Middle East, although no such peace-keeping operations were never either mentioned in the UN charter, or carried out in practice. Without any previous experiences, but with great expectations, a new and extremely important chapter in the resolution of international disputes led by the UN began. The final assignment exposes problems of solving complex international relations and security political circumstances, with the help of UN security mechanisms, based on activity of its oldest still operating UNTSO OGL mission in southern Lebanon. By analysing historical and current factors of the secure environment, we answer the question of mission's successfulness and its perspective in stabilizing security situations in the wider region of Lebanon. One of conclusions led us to a decision, that presence and successfulness in carrying out mission%s tasks in this particular region, has a long-term importance in regulating the accumulated security and political problems, as well as fragile peace maintenance. For the entire international community, and mostly the UN, this continues to represent a major challenge in solving a complex security labyrinth, which has recently been heavily influenced by turbulent Syria, and numerous other involved parties like Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United States and the Russian Federation. It seems that Middle East security is just a perception that everyone involved in the area understands completely different. Until that is the case, a major shift towards the "solution of the problem", based on our research, is not in perspective.
Keywords:UNTSO, UNIFIL, military observer, Lebanon, Middle East


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