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TitleVloga Slovenske vojske ob pojavu kompleksne krize v republiki Sloveniji : zaključna naloga generalštabnega šolanja
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Authors:Novak, Boštjan (Author)
Vuga Beršnak, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:kompleksna kriza, krizno upravljanje, krizno vodenje, Slovenska vojska, Republika SlovenijaUDC:355.02(497.4):005.931.11(043.4)COBISS_ID:6147278Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 6732 ogledov; 143 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Novak_Bostjan_i2018.pdf (1,39 MB)
Abstract:V današnjem času so krize vedno bolj kompleksne. Če obseg krize presega odzivne zmožnosti posameznih ministrstev, vladnih služb in podsistemov sistema nacionalne varnosti, govorimo o kompleksni krizi. V nalogi sem analiziral vlogo Slovenske vojske ob pojavu kompleksne krize v Republiki Sloveniji po sprejetju dopolnitev 20. člena Zakona o vladi. Temeljni namen zaključne naloge je pregled usklajenosti in pristojnosti delovanja organov v primeru kompleksne krize ter umeščenosti upravljanja krize v mednarodni okvir. S kvalitativno metodo primerjalne analize in interpretacijo virov sem analiziral sodelovanje Slovenske vojske ob migrantski krizi, s poudarkom na kadrovski popolnjenosti ter razpoložljivosti in vzdržljivost Slovenske vojske ob pojavu kompleksne krize. Ureditev v Republiki Sloveniji sem primerjal tudi z Republiko Latvijo. Ugotavljam, da delovanje organov ob pojavu kompleksne krize v Republiki Sloveniji temelji na jasno določenih nalogah in pristojnostih. Strukturo kriznega upravljanja in vodenja pa je treba preveriti v praksi in izdelati načrte odzivanja na kompleksne krize. Slovenska vojska je zaradi svoje popolnjenosti in angažiranja v mednarodnih operacijah in misijah omejeno uporabna v primeru pojava kompleksne krize.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:In today's time, crises are increasingly complex. If the scale of a crisis exceeds the response capabilities of individual ministries, government services and subsystems within the system of national security, we are dealing with a complex crisis. The thesis analyses the role of the Slovenian Armed Forces in the event of the onset of a complex crisis in the Republic of Slovenia after the adoption of the amendments to Article 20 of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia Act. The basic purpose of the thesis is to examine the concerted action and operational competence of authorities in the event of a complex crisis, and the position of crisis management in international context. Based on a qualitative comparative analysis method and the interpretation of sources, an analysis of the participation of the Slovenian Armed Forces in the response to the migrant crisis was made, with the emphasis on the manning and also the availability and sustainability of the Slovenian Armed Forces at the onset of the complex crisis. The thesis compares the system in the Republic of Slovenia to the system in the Republic of Latvia. The findings show that the operation of individual bodies in the event of the onset of a complex crisis in the Republic of Slovenia is based on clearly defined tasks and responsibilities. The structure of crisis management and leadership must be tested in practice, and plans for the response to complex crises must be developed. The ability of the Slovenian Armed Forces to be of use in the response to a complex crisis is limited, which is the result of their manning deficiencies and engagement in international operations and missions.Keywords:complex crisis, crisis management, crisis leadership, Slovenian Armed Forces, Republic of Slovenia.