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Title:Zaposlovanje in usposabljanje vojakov na prostovoljnem služenju vojaškega roka : zaključna naloga
Authors:Butinar, Majda (Author)
Hočevar, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Temeljni namen zaključne naloge je na splošno prikazati prostovoljno služenje vojaškega roka kot obliko prostovoljnega usposabljanja državljanov in državljank za obrambo domovine. Različni dejavniki kot so številčno majhna populacija, ugovori vesti in zdravstveno nesposobni naborniki so pokazali, da obvezniški sistem popolnjevanja Slovenske vojske ni bil več primeren. Zato je bila odločitev o prenehanju izvajanja obveznega služenja vojaškega roka ena od ključnih odločitev v procesu profesionalizacije Slovenske vojske. Država je tako ponudila državljanom novo obliko usposabljanja za obrambo domovine, ki temelji na prostovoljni odločitvi posameznika, da se bo vojaško usposabljal v času prostovoljnega služenja vojaškega roka. V nalogi je predstavljeno kako se državljan lahko vključi v prostovoljno služenje, kateri pravno normativni akti to omogočajo in po kakšnem programu se usposabljajo. Predstavila sem tudi raziskavo, ki jo je med prostovoljci izvedel Obramboslovni raziskovalni center. Raziskava je pokazala, da mladi, ki se odločijo za prostovoljno služenje vojaškega roka izstopajo predvsem po pozitivnem odnosu do vojske oziroma do vojaškega poklica in različnih oblik vojaške "službe".
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, vojak, prostovoljno služenje, program temeljnega vojaškostrokovnega usposabljanja
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[M. Butinar]
COBISS_ID:6034382 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Butinar_Majda_i2012.pdf (197,78 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:The basic purpose of the written work is in generally to show a voluntary military service as a volunteer training citizens to defend the motherland. Various factors such as the numerically small population, objections of conscience and medically incompetent conscripts showed that bond system manning of the Slovenian army was no longer appropriate. Therefore it has been decided to terminate the implementation of compulsory military service is one of the key decisions in the process of professionalism of the Slovenian army. The state has also offered to citizens a new form of training for the defense of the fatherland, which is based on the voluntary decision of the individual, that is going to be a military training at the time of voluntary military service. In the work is presented how a citizen can be included in voluntary service which the normative legal acts of the permit and by what program are trained. I also presented a survey that was conducted among volunteers of Defence Research Centre. The survey showed that young people who opt for voluntary military service stand out above all a positive attitude towards the army or the military profession and the various forms of military service.
Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, soldier, volunteer service, program of basic military training


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