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Title:Karierni model pripadnikov jedrske radiološke kemične in biološke obrambe : zaključna naloga
Authors:Taslak, Ivo (Author)
Sitar, Đuro (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Načrtno Izobraževanje in usposabljanje, ki je eden od temeljev za izdelavo kariernega modela, predstavlja v rodovskih enotah manjših vojsk, med katere sodi tudi Slovenska vojska (nadaljevanju SV) resen izziv. To pa zaradi omejenih kadrovskih in materialnih virov za izvajanje VIU. V dosedanji strukturi SV je bila JRKBO stroka koncentrirana na enem mestu v vojašnici Kranj, kjer je bilo izvedeno večina specialističnih VIU za vojake, podčastnike, pa tudi častnike. V novi strukturi je predvidena razdelitev JRKBO na dva dela v podporo bojevanja dvema brigadama. Zaradi slednjega je še bolj pomembno, da se izdela enovit karierni model, ki bo zagotavljal kvalitetne kadre na vseh nivojih od vojaka v oddelku do višjega častnika v združenem poveljstvu.
Keywords:karierni model, JRKB obramba, JRKB podpora, formacija, career model, CBRN defense, CBRN support, formation
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[I. Taslak]
COBISS_ID:5964494 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Taslak_Ivo_i2013.pdf (727,23 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Career model of CBRN members
Abstract:Planned education and training are the two of the main basis to create the competent career model, presents the real challenge especially in the special branches of the small armies. Slovenian Army is such an army. The reasons for the mentioned challenge are limited personal and material resources. The expertise in the CBRN branch was concentrated in the CBRN Battalion in the barracks in Kranj. The main part of the education and training for soldiers, non commissioned officers and officers too, took part in the 18. CBRN Battalion in Kranj. In the new structure of the Slovenian Army CBRN is going to be divided in two parts, their main task will be the CBRN support to two brigades. Due to th above mentioned fact, united career model is crucial. The united model will ensure the well trained soldiers, non commissioned officers and officers.


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