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Title:Konceptualna znanja in veščine na direktni ravni : zaključna naloga
Authors:Ferlež, Aleksandra (Author)
Maraš, Vasilije (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Strokovnost vojaškemu vodji dajo znanja in veščine, ki jih ima in jih lahko delimo na znanja in veščine za delo z ljudmi, strokovna znanja in veščine ter na konceptualna znanja in veščine. Konceptualna znanja in veščine ima voditelj, ki je sposoben kritičnega, ustvarjalnega, etičnega in refleksivnega mišljenja. Količina konceptualnih znanj je odvisna od ravni voditeljstva, na direktni ravni se v literaturi ne poudarja in mu je namenjeno le malo prostora. Kljub temu pa je konceptualno znanje potrebno tudi na direktni ravniin o tem govori ta zaključna naloga. V nalogi so obravnavana potrebna konceptualna znanja poveljnika voda na primeru, ki potrjuje hipotezo 1, poleg tega pa je bil namen naloge dokazati oziroma ovreči hipotezo 2, da imajo častniki - poveljniki voda, po končanem šolanju na Šoli za častnike dovolj konceptualnih znanj za delo z vodom. Hipotezo 2 sem potrjevala na dva načina in sicer s pregledom vsebin v programu Šole za častnike in z izvedeno anketo med poveljniki vodov, čet in namestniki poveljnikov čet v 20.MOTB. Rezultat analize programa Šole za častnike je potrdil mojo hipotezo in pokazal, da je po programu vsebin, ki podpirajo konceptualna znanja in veščine dovolj. Ko pa sem se o tem hotela prepričati še z anketo v enoti, sem prišla, do drugačnih zaključkov in sicer, da bi bilo potrebno določene vsebine, predvsem za kritično, etično in ustvarjalno mišljenje še nadgraditi.
Keywords:vodenje, poveljevanje, Slovenska vojska, komuniciranje, kritično mišljenje, vojaško usposabljanje, vojaško izobraževanje, učni načrti
Year of publishing:2009
Publisher:[A. Ferlež]
COBISS_ID:3277006 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Ferlez_Aleksandra_i2009.pdf (315,33 KB)
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Abstract:The military leader's expertise is achieved by knowledge and skills that can be divided into working with people, special and conceptual knowledge and skills. A leader who is capable of critical, creative, ethic and reflective thinking has conceptual knowledge and skills. The amount of this kind of knowledge depends on the leader's level and is not mentioned in the literaturevery often on the direct level. Nevertheless this kind of knowledge is necessary and because of that it is also the aim of this paper. The platoon's leader required conceptual knowledge is presented in this research and that proved the hypothesis 1. The aim of this paper is also to prove or disprove the hypothesis that the officers - when they finish education at the officer school - have enough conceptual knowledge to start working with the squad. I proved this hypothesis 2 in two ways - I gave a survey of the officerschool programme contents and distributed a questionnaire to the squads' and troops' commanders and their substitutes in the 20.MOTB. The results of the analysis of the officer school programme contents proved my hypothesis and showed that there are enough conceptual knowledge and skills. On the other hand, the results of the questionnaire were different - the amount of critical, ethic and creative thinking is not large enough.


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