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Title:Naravne in druge nesreče v občini Medvode : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Košir, Andreja (Author)
Grozde, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:V prvem delu diplomske naloge je podrobna analiza geografskega prostora. Značilnosti in nesreče lahko poveţemo med seboj. Predvsem je bil namen naloge proučiti geografske značilnosti občine Medvode. Razvoj območja se je pravzaprav začel z ţelezniško postajo ter pošto in hranilnico. Postavljeni so bili temelji za začetek industrije. V drugem delu je prikazan zgodovinski pregled večjih nesreč, ki jih na srečo ni bilo veliko. Vremenske razmere, predvsem obilne padavine in ţled, so na obravnavanem območju najpogostejši geografski dejavniki, ki povzročajo naravne nesreče. Odkar obstaja človeštvo se srečujemo z nesrečami. Naravni in drugi dejavniki povzročajo spremembe v okolju. Človek s svojimi posegi v prostor ob neupoštevanju vpliva geografskih dejavnikov na povečanje varnostnih tveganj prispeva k povečevanju ogroţenosti pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami. Ogroţena ali prizadeta so ţivljenja in zdravje ljudi, povzročena je škoda na premoţenju in infrastrukturi v večjem obsegu, lahko se močno spremeni ogroţeno okolje. Reki Sava in Sora s svojimi pritoki, kateri sta omogočili gospodarski, kulturni in upravni razvoj območja, hkrati predstavljata največjo naravno grožnjo. Učinkovit sistem zaščite in reševanja ter ustrezni protipoplavni ukrepi zagotavljajo obvladovanje poplavnih tveganj.
Keywords:naravne nesreče, občina Medvode, žled, poplave, nevšečnosti, geografski prostor
Year of publishing:2015
Publisher:[A. Košir]
COBISS_ID:5342670 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf VIS_Kosir_Andreja_i2015.pdf (3,89 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the first part of my assignment I present the geographic region in which Medvode municipality can be found. Geographic attributes can be linked to natural catastrophes. The main aim of my assignment is to analyse geographic attributes of Medvode municipality. Region's development began with the construction of the railroad station, post office and a financial institution. These were the foundations for the development of industries. In the second part of my assignment I offer a historical review of natural accidents. Fortunately there hasn%t been that many. Weather conditions, mainly heavy rains and black ice/clear ice are the main causes of natural accidents in the area. As long as humanity had existed there have been natural accidents. Natural and other factors caused change in the environment. Man and its spatial development with disregard for natural tendencies have a profound impact on increasing the risk of natural and other accidents. Human lives, health, property, infrastructure and the environment itself are in risk of change or harm. For example rivers Sava and Sora, with their inflows, which have provided basis for economic, cultural and administrative development of the area, at the same time present a mayor natural threat. As such an efficient system of search and rescue alongside adequate anti-flood systems are needed to minimize the risk of floods.
Keywords:catastrophes, Medvode municipality, floods, weather difficulties, geographic space


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