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Title:Vpliv plače na motivacijo zaposlenih v vojaški organizaciji : zaključna naloga
Authors:Ješelnik, Mitja (Author)
Anželj, Ernest (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Bernik, Valerija (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Ena ključnih nalog vodji je motivirati zaposlene za učinkovito delo, za večje ustvarjalnost in zadovoljstvo pri delu. Pri tem je zelo pomembno pravočasno odkrivanje in vrednotenje vpliva motivacijskih dejavnikov na zaposlene ter uveljavljanje ukrepov za izboljšanje motiviranosti in zadovoljstva pri delu. Naloga na podlagi študija teorije in opravljene raziskave obravnava vpliv motivacijskih dejavnikov na delo in zadovoljstvo ter njihov pomen za zaposlene v vojaški organizaciji. Raziskava, ki je temeljila na anketi, izvedeni v vojaški organizaciji podaja odgovor na vprašanja, ali je plača najvplivnejši motivacijski dejavnik, kako močni so socialni motivacijski dejavniki ter kateri dejavniki so najvplivnejši nasploh. Analiza raziskave je pokazala, da je v vojaški organizaciji poleg socialnih dejavnikov najbolj cenjen dejavnik %plača%. Pomembno je, da večina zaposlenih močno ceni tudi ostale motivacijske dejavnike kar pomeni, da ima organizacija na izbiro več možnosti za povečanje motiviranosti za delo.
Keywords:motivacija, motivacijske teorije, motivacijski dejavnik, vojaška organizacija, nagrajevanje, zadovoljstvo, plača
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[M. Ješelnik]
COBISS_ID:5670862 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Jeselnik_Mitja_i2013.pdf (382,65 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:One of the essential tasks of leaders is to motivate employees in a way that would increase overall productivity, creativity, and raise comfort at the workplace. The discovery and evaluation of the effects of motivational factors is of great value, so is the enforcement of right measures which raise motivation and appeasement. This assignment, based on the study of theory and research, inspects motivational factors and their effects on the amount of accomplished work and satisfaction of employees. The research, carried out through a survey in military organisation, provided answers to questions: is payment the factor that impacts motivation the most, how powerful are social motivational factors, and which factors are the most influential in general. The analysis of the conducted research has shown that in addition to social factors, the factor of payment is also greatly appreciated. It is important that most of the employees possess the drift towards diversity of motivational agents which would consequently lead to motivation boost at workplace.
Keywords:motivation, motivational theories, motivational factors, military organisation, rewarding, satisfaction, payment


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