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Title:Vloge in naloge štabnih podčastnikov v procesu načrtovanja delovanj v funkcionalnem področju G7 : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Pungarčar, Denis (Author)
Kočevar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Trstenjak, Živa (Co-mentor)
Work type:High school thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Na temelju demokratično izražene politične volje za približevanje Slovenije Severnoatlantskemu zavezništvu (NATO), se je Slovenija 30. marca 1994 priključila Partnerstvu za mir (PzM) ter isto leto postala pridružena partnerica v Severnoatlantski skupščini (NAA). S priključitvijo PzM in s spremembami v mednarodnem okolju je bil nujen prehod iz množične vojske, namenjene obrambi znotraj nacionalnih meja, v manjšo, bolje opremljeno in izurjeno profesionalno vojsko. Za Slovensko vojsko (SV) je to pomenilo upoštevanje novih rešitev v organiziranosti, uporabi in delovanju, kar je vplivalo na spremembe v poveljevanju, organiziranosti in delu poveljstva in štaba, na štabne naloge in funkcije, na načela operativnega oblikovanja, na vrste in vsebine načrtovanja delovanj ter oblike osnovnih bojnih dokumentov. Skladno s cilji integracije SV v zavezništvo se uveljavijo standardi NATO. Poveljniki z notranjimi akti poveljevanja ter standardnimi operativnimi postopki (SOP) določajo organiziranost svojega poveljstva in štaba ter razdelitev štabnih funkcij in nalog z namenom učinkovite podpore poveljevanja. SV je tako organizirala poveljstva na operativni in taktični ravni. Štab, kot del poveljstva na operativni ravni, je organiziran na osnovna štabna področja, med katerimi se tri področja v SV niso uveljavila, kot je to predvideno s standardi NATO. Eno izmed teh področij je G7 % usposabljanje, vaje in učenje iz izkušenj.
Keywords:načrtovanje delovanj, štabni podčastniki, poveljstvo, funkcionalno področje G/
Year of publishing:2015
Publisher:[D. Pungarčar]
COBISS_ID:5289422 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf VIS_Pungarcar_Denis_i2015.pdf (1,21 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Role of the military unit sergent in the development of comradeship
Abstract:Based on the democratic expression of political will to move Slovenia closer to North Atlantic Alliance (NATO), Slovenia joined the Partnership for Peace (PfP) on 30 March 1994 and the same year became an associate partner in the North Atlantic Assembly (NAA). By joining PfP and changes in the international environment, the transition from a mass army designed for defense within national borders, in smaller, better equipped and trained professional army, was necessary. For the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF), this meant new solutions in terms of organization, use and operation of SAF, which resulted in changes in command, organization and work of the command and staff, in staff duties and functions, in the principles of operational design, in the nature and content design of operations and basic forms of warfare documents. In line with the objectives of integration SAF in the Alliance, SAF enforce standards of NATO. Commanders with the internal acts of command and standard operating procedures (SOP) determine the organization of its commands and staff and distribution of staff functions and tasks in order to support effective command. This was the way SAF organized commands and staff at the operational and tactical levels. Staff, as part of the command at the operational level, is organized by basic staff areas among which are three areas, SAF did not enforce as provided by NATO standards. One of these areas is the G7 - training, exercises and evaluation - lessons learned.
Keywords:operational planning, staff non-commissioned officers, command, functional area G/


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